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I just read that in paradox the OUTER keyword is optional.
So lets say you want to join customers and visitors from a website. They are not mutually exclusive and you're matching by email address.
select,,, from visitors full outer join customers on upper(
You'll get 4 columns, like this...
Customer_name, Customer_email, null null --this entry only in customers
null, null Visitor_name, Visitor_email --this entry only in visitors
Customer_name, Customer_email,Visitor_name, Visitor_email --this entry in both
like this...
Bob A Fett,, NULL, NULL
NULL, NULL, Claude O'vercast,
June C., June,
Does this help?
Yahoo ID: Commander_Bombast
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Post ID #15109 (Level 1.1)
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Post ID #15111 (Level 1.2)
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Post ID #15106 (Level 1.1)
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I have not used those operators in queries in qbe in a long time, but it seems to me that in version Paradox 3.0 or 3.5 that the "!" may have been valid. I will try to find my old books and see if I remember it correctly. I could be wrong.
Can we please get the exact error message that you are getting. That may give us some idea of what exactly your problem is. Paradox does not translate the inclusion operator (!) into SQL. Not sure why this wasn't coded since it is essentially a full join. If you want a full join in SQL you have to either write it in SQL or use the SQL builder in Paradox.
Yes I did it. But the problem is that not present present the data. In the QBE the ! operator works, but like you say in the sql query the ! operator don't work. How to do when the from clause have more than 3 tables. In the QBE when i put the (!) in the example_id field, the query show the results. But in sql code, the query results is empty. Take a look to the following code:
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