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Delphi Distributed Apps Topic

Client/Server database questions including DataSnap (was Midas), Corba, n-Tier, TClientDateSet, etc.
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Thread 25 of 25
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Using Microsoft Access table with Delphi
I have worked with paradox tables before in Delphi but have never tried using Access tables. Could someone tell me how I would could connect to a Microsoft Access database/table?
24 years ago
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45 months ago
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Thread 24 of 25
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Calculated fields
Could someone help with explaining with an example ot two the basics of entering code to get calculated fields to work. Looking through what examples I can find, if I use this code -, , Begin, table1FieldZ.value := table1FieldX.value * table1FieldY;, End;, , I get a message 'undeclared identifier table1FieldX' is because I have not declared something? It's very hard to work these things out when many of the so called help pages only give "the" line of code and miss out all the other stuff., , Also I can find examples to put a calculated field into a grid, but what do I have to do to display a calculated field in a box?, Thanks, Tom. Confused
23 years ago
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I am assurance that It was functioning due to the fact Popcorn Time Download If you know exactly how to play risk-free, go ahead was birthed. 
7 years ago
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Thread 23 of 25
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Delphi BDE - Directory Busy
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13 years ago
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Thread 22 of 25
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Need BDE replacement
Am using CodeGear 2007 Win32 with dBase, ACE Reporter, Woll2Woll, JEDI components; therefore I have a lot of TTables and TQueries throughout my program. My applciation runs on a 2003 server with XP workstations. The response time to access data (retrieve, post, do SQLs) is horrible. The users are demanding something better. But I don't know what is better. And I don't know what the ramfications are in changing to something better. I sincerely hope that someone can give me recommendations as well as address the difficulty in changing to another database. Thank you so much, Charlie
14 years ago
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14 years ago
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Thread 21 of 25
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MSSQL locks on ApplyUpdates with nested CDS
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20 years ago
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Thread 20 of 25
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Getting started with Zeos
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23 years ago
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21 years ago
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Thread 19 of 25
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delphi & client locking
how can I lock & unlock a client pc in internet cafe system ?.(preventing user from opening any program )
22 years ago
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Thread 18 of 25
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Get Real Time Pictures into Delphi App
Can anyone tell me if this can be achieved. Is there a component out there for getting pictures into my program. I need them to be real time.
23 years ago
1 Reply:

Have you looked at the components from [b]ImageLib[/b]? , , , , Their specialty is imaging components, and they probably have what you're looking for.
23 years ago
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Thread 17 of 25
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Cursor change when program busy
Well I spend a few days away and a few days feverishly sat at my pc till the wee hours as the dreaded deadline day approaches and exactly 1 person here at the prestwood boards notices my absence. Big Grin! , , Ah well, return with a question, thats my motto. Big Grin! , , The app I am about to finish is a database program which runs over a network. This is all fine and dandy on our network, however some users of the software are running much slower networks so there is a delay when they select a screen as the system travels across the network, locates the data and then retrieves it. What I have been asked is whether or not I can change the cursor from an arrow to an egg timer when this delay occurs. Is there any kind of universal procedure for this? Geek Alert!
23 years ago
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Rick Carter
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23 years ago
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Thread 16 of 25
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How to test if an executed shell has finished?
Hello everybody,, , How to test if an executed shell has finished?, , I only want to enable my StartButton when the shell executed by WinExec is really finished. In my programm the StartButton is allready enabled while the shell is still executing., So before enabling my button I like to test if the shell is finished., Who can help me?, , Here is a piece of my programm:, , var, l_command : string;, , begin, l_command := 'SQLLDR.EXE ' + , 'username/password@mydatabase ' +, 'CONTROL=c:\mydir\myfile.ctl';, StartButton.Enabled := False;, WinExec( @l_command[1], SW_SHOWMINIMIZED );, StartButton.Enabled := True;, end;
23 years ago
1 Reply:

Rick Carter
I've been told the Windows API CreateProcess is the one to use if you need to know when the process you started has terminated. I don't have code at my fingertips, but searching on "CreateProcess" at the Borland newsgroup archives, or at just about any major Delphi website, should give you something you can use.
23 years ago
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Thread 15 of 25
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Delphi Programers NEEDED ASAP
We are in development of a p2p system and are needing delphi programmers . You will be working with one person who developed KaaZa files system so this is a good way to get your name out . This is not PAID assignment but the REWARD will be HUGE !, , Please send a blank e-mail to : , , You will get all the details about the project . , , Look forward to working with you!
23 years ago
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Thread 14 of 25
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Networking my app!!
I have written an application which uses a shed load of tables which I now need to make networkable. I have set up the system so that it all points to the one set of tables on the server as is the norm but my problem is this. I cant seem to make the workstation machines synchronise properly due to the way they use the tables. For instance, to search through a huge list of records they can filter the customers table by certain criteria until they narrow it down enough to see the record they want in a DBGrid. This works great, but what if somebody on another workstation is just saving a new customer, or another workstation is wanting to filter the table in a different way? At the moment the app is set up using the BDE and standard TTable and datasource components (not sure if this is the best way) using DBF files. Any advice, pointers etc would be most greatful?, , Thanks in advance [Smile]
23 years ago
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Im just storing the loaction of my tables in a an inifile (about 40 tables in total) and assigning them to a TTable and corresponding datasource when the application starts up. I then just open the tables as and when I need them.
23 years ago
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Thread 13 of 25
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Inserting a combo box in a grid?
Hi., , I'm using Delphi 6 Pro with the Zeos Database components to access a MySQL server., , On this database, I've got two tables: adress_type and adress., , adress_type:, ID: INT, type: VARCHAR, , adress:, ID: INT, name: VARCHAR, adress_type_ID: INT, , , adress.adress_type_ID is a "foreign" key referencing adress_type.ID. I'd like to display the contents from adress in a ZDBGrid using the following SQL:, , SELECT a.ID,, at.type, FROM adress a LEFT JOIN adress_type at ON a.adress_type_ID = at.ID, , Furhter, the column at.type should not be displayed as a simple text column, but it instead it should be a (DB?)LookupComboBox *showing* all the possible values from adress_type and using adress_type.ID as the value., , Well - since I'm new to Delphi, I don't even have the slightest idea how I might do this., , Could somebody please be so kind and try to help me?, , Thanks a lot,, Alexander Skwar
23 years ago
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Rick Carter
Well, it sounds like you need to use some descendent of dbCtrlGrid rather than dbGrid. Or, there are a lot of third-party grids with extended functionality -- some of the more popular ones (not of which I can personally vouch for) are Orpheus, InfoPower, ExpressQuantumGrid, TopGrid, etc. And there are freeware or shareware grids on Torry's, DSP, etc. as well.
23 years ago
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Thread 12 of 25
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MSSQL stored procedures not seen from Delphi
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23 years ago
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Well, after updating BDE everything seems to Ok., Thanks! I knew I can count on comunity.
23 years ago
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Thread 11 of 25
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ClientData set update questions Please Help!
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23 years ago
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Rick Carter
We can hope someone will have the answer here, but actually the best place to ask might be borland.public.datasnap or another appropriate Borland forum. If you're not set up with a newsreader for the Borland groups, you can read and post from
23 years ago
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Thread 10 of 25
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Thomas Duval
LookUp Component Like Paradox
Does someone make a component for Delphi that can lookup a key field and replace multiple fields columns in a grid. I am trying to find a component that works like the old dos version of Paradox3. I would like to enter a part number in the main table and look the part number description and price in a data table; then place that data in the main table (part number description and price
23 years ago
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23 years ago
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Thread 9 of 25
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Visual Basic dll in Delphi
I need information on following points :, , 1. I am not able to use the DLL created using Visual Basic in Delphi. Do I need to incorporate extra settings either in Visual Basic or in Delphi?, 2. Can we make Visual Basic to use Pascal Calling Conventions? , , I will be highly obliged. Thanks in advance...!!!, , With Regards,, Mangesh.
23 years ago
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(Reply posted to duplicate message in [b]VCL/CLX[/b] forum).
23 years ago
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Thread 8 of 25
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File transfer via the client/server sockets
Hi, , I've made a chat program with a clientsocket and serversocket from the Delphi VCL. What I'd like to do is be able to send/transfer files from clientsocket to clientsocket via the serversocket. Is there a method to send files via the sockets. I'm not sure how to go about doing this., , Any help or advice where I could go look for help would be welcome., , Regards, Farrel
23 years ago
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Thread 7 of 25
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Ok, so I've built my DB application (?) and I want to plonk a button on the main form to allow the user to exit - simple, look it up in the help system and adjust to suit.. well, Help might have the info but just how do you find it? , , It seems I have the choice of Close, Exit, Terminate, ExitSave etc etc and whilst snatches of code are given they are out of context, so there is not a complete example anywhere, nor for that matter in the demo programs either., , Could someone help by pointing me in the right direction with the correct command and some sample code to make it work from a button. , , And, I used to think the Paradox help was frustrating - it's heaven compared to this! , rt I
23 years ago
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Rick Carter
{Too Long!}
23 years ago
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Thread 6 of 25
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Multi Users Accessing the same data over a network
Can anyone help me, , I have just finished a clients program for my own store and have tried to make two computers share the data across a network, but I cant get it to work so I started a new program using just a grid table and datasource and of course a dbnavigator, , I put the database on a mapped network drive that both computers could see as n:, , using bdeadmin on both computers i canged the alias for the database to point to n: and changed the paradox net dir to point to n:, , It all works just fine if I run multiple copies of the software on the same Pc the grids update just fine after refreshing the table but when I run the software on multiple computers the 2nd pc cant see the updated data untill the program on the first pc is closed and vice versa, , I know it should be able to work but I cant figure it out, , any help would be much appreciated as I have spent a bit of time on this one, , Cheers, , Owen
24 years ago
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23 years ago
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Thread 5 of 25
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Blob Errors with Delphi and Paradox
For years I have had blob errors from Memo fields all Win 9x networks and now from NT network. Does any know the cause, have a solution or how to fix the record?
24 years ago
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Juan Carlos Fer
I have seen this error many times., It appears when you are working with a Paradox database and for some reason, Windows or the program that uses the database is not responding any more and you must reset the computer., Some times, when I try to open the database again, some of the blob fields are damaged., , I have tried to create a process to fix that in Paradox databases, but I can not., , If somebody can handle that, please say how!!!!
23 years ago
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Thread 4 of 25
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Delphi6 and DOA
Dear all., well here is my problem. At the moment I am trying to write a Delphi project that aims to get a function from the oracle server. My delphi is downloaded from the net, so it is a trial version., So here is my problem that occure once I start programming., , 1. Is there anyother way of calling function/procedures from Oracle server other then using DOA's( direct oralce access) ToraclePackage and TOracleQuery?, , 2. is there anyone out there know about this error message : "Access Violation at address 009b07d7 in module "dcc60.dll" .read of address 0000000A"?, , any help will be much appriciated., , Billy
23 years ago
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Thread 3 of 25
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Delphi6 and DOA
Dear all., well here is my problem. At the moment I am trying to write a Delphi project that aims to get a function from the oracle server. My delphi is downloaded from the net, so it is a trial version., So here is my problem that occure once I start programming., , 1. Is there anyother way of calling function/procedures from Oracle server other then using DOA's( direct oralce access) ToraclePackage and TOracleQuery?, , 2. is there anyone out there know about this error message : "Access Violation at address 009b07d7 in module "dcc60.dll" .read of address 0000000A"?, , any help will be much appriciated., , Billy
23 years ago
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Thread 2 of 25
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Juan Carlos Ferran
Connect to InterBase DataBase using Internet
How can I connect to a remote InterBase Database using Internet connections?, , If I have a InterBase Database in one city and a InterBase client in other city, how can I connect to this database using Internet?, , Thank's a lot!!!
23 years ago
1 Reply:

I'm not sure about this one. I do know you can write a middle ware type peice and serve up the data from on location to another. The new trend these days is to use an XML Web Service., , Also, I would question the basic architecture. I would explore the idea of setting up two databases (one at each location) and than replicate the data to keep the databases in sync. You can even use two phase commits to keep them in sync at all times.
23 years ago
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Thread 1 of 25
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Executing a Data Transformation Service (DTS) pack
Hi Forum,, , I'm writing an app that need to execute a previously created Data Transformation Service (DTS) packages. How can i do it??? any idea??, , Plezzz help Confused
24 years ago
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