Delphi Study Test
Practice tests to further your career.
The following study test contains practice certification questions along with a study link for each question.
These questions were prepared by Mike Prestwood and are intended to stress an important aspect. All our practice questions are intended to prepare you
specifically to earn your Prestwood certification and generally for passing any certification test as well as prepare you for
professional work.
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24 Questions
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15 Beginner Level Questions
Question #1: True or False?
You can add single line comments to your code using // and multiple line comments using either { } or (* *) .
Question #2: True or False?
In Delphi you can declare and make use of same named-different case variables (two distinct variables) as in the following:
MyName : String; MYNAME : String;
Question #3: Multiple Choice
Which example uses the correct syntax to declare a constant?
const kPI : Double := 3.1459;
const kPI Double := 3.1459;
const kPI Double = 3.1459;
const kPI : Double = 3.1459;
const kPI As Double := 3.1459;
Question #4: True or False?
VB.Net compiles to true Win32 native code applications that do not require the .Net framework.
Question #5: Multiple Choice
The correct syntax for a declaritive variable assignment is?
1. Dim Married As String = "N"
Question #6: Multiple Choice
Which code line correctly embeds an apostrophe?
1. ShowMessage('Hello Mike''s website.');
2. ShowMessage('Hello Mike\'s website.');
3. ShowMessage("Hello Mike's website.");
4. ShowMessage('Hello Mike#'s website.');
5. ShowMessage('Hello Mike'''s website.');
Question #7: Yes or No?
If x is defined as a variable of type double, will the following compile?
x := .1 + .1;
Question #8: Multiple Choice
Given the following code:
var MyObject: TObject; begin MyObject := TObject.Create; //Use it... end;
1. Delphi does not have a garbage collector so you have to dispose of the object after the "Use it" comment with either MyObject.Free() or FreeAndNil(MyObject) .
2. Delphi has a garbage collector so you do not have to dispose of the object after the "Use it" comment but optionally you can dispose of additional resources created in the constructure overriding the Finalize() method and calling MyObject.Free() .
3. Delphi does not have a garbage collector so you have to dispose of the object after the "Use it" comment with MyObject.Dispose() .
Question #9: True or False?
The default for parameters for procedures, functions, and methods is by value.
Question #10: True or False?
Delphi uses the keyword Overridable to define a virtual method in a parent class and the keyword Overrides to replace the method in a descendant class.
Question #11: True or False?
Given the following code, which ShowMessage will display? The True or the False one?
var a, b, c, d: Boolean; begin a := True; b := True; c := True; d := True; if Not (a and b) and (c or d) then ShowMessage('True') else ShowMessage('False'); end;
Question #12: Multiple Choice
The class visibility specifiers are:
1. private, protected, public, and published.
2. private, protected, and public.
3. private , strict private , protected , stict protected , public , and published .
4. private , protected , assembly and protected , assembly or protected , and public .
5. private , protected , internal , protected internal , and public .
Question #13: Multiple Choice
Given this class:
TPerson = class(TObject) end;
Which of the following is the correct syntax for creating an object instance from a class?
1. Declare a variable:
var Lisa: TPerson;
Create instance:
Lisa := TPerson.Create;
2. Declare a variable:
var Lisa: TPerson;
Create instance:
TPerson Lisa := TPerson.Create;
3. Declare a variable:
var Lisa: TPerson;
Create instance:
Lisa := Person.Create;
4. Declare a variable:
var Lisa: TPerson;
Create instance:
Lisa := New TPerson;
5. Declare a variable:
var Lisa TPerson;
Create instance:
Lisa = TPerson.Create;
Question #14: Multiple Choice
Which of the following lines of code will compile?
1. WriteLn('Hello'); WriteLn(' world');
Question #15: Multiple Choice
Which is the correct syntax for declaring an array and setting two values of the array?
1. Dim MyArray As Variant MyArray = Array("Mike", "Lisa")
2. var MyArray: array[0..3] of string; begin MyArray[0] := 'Mike'; MyArray[1] := 'Lisa'; end;
3. var MyArray Array[2] String endVar MyArray[1] = "Mike" MyArray[2] = "Lisa"
4. var MyArray: array[0..3] of string; begin MyArray(0) = 'Mike'; MyArray(1) = 'Lisa'; end;
5. var MyArray array(0..3) : string; begin MyArray[0] := 'Mike'; MyArray[1] := 'Lisa'; end;
6 Intermediate Level Questions
Question #16: Multiple Choice
Which is the correct syntax for declaring and using a set?
var ValidStrings: Set Char; begin ValidStrings := ['Y', 'N', 'X']; If 'Y' in ValidStrings then ShowMessage('Yes, Y is valid'); end;
var ValidStrings: Set of Char; begin ValidStrings := ['Y', 'N', 'X']; If 'Y' in ValidStrings then ShowMessage('Yes, Y is valid'); end;
var ValidStrings: Set Char; begin ValidStrings := ('Y', 'N', 'X'); If 'Y' in ValidStrings then ShowMessage('Yes, Y is valid'); end;
var ValidStrings: ArraySet of Char; begin ValidStrings := ('Y', 'N', 'X'); If 'Y' in ValidStrings then ShowMessage('Yes, Y is valid'); end;
var ValidStrings: ArraySet Char; begin ValidStrings := ['Y', 'N', 'X']; If 'Y' in ValidStrings then ShowMessage('Yes, Y is valid'); end;
Question #17: Multiple Choice
What does the following line of code do?
1. This is a comment so it does nothing.
2. The {$ } indicates this comment is actually a compiler directive. The $APPTYPE compiler directive is used in the project source file (.DPR) to tell the compiler what type of application to compile. In this case, a DOS-like console application. When left out, the default is {$APPTYPE GUI} which is a Windows forms based application.
3. This code will give you an error.
4. The {$ } indicates this comment is actually a compiler directive. The $APPTYPE compiler directive is used in the project source file (.DPR) to tell the compiler what type of application to compile. In this case, a Windows forms based application. When left out, the default is a DOS-like command application.
5. The {$ } indicates this comment is actually a compiler directive. The $APPTYPE compiler directive is used in the project source file (.DPR) to tell the compiler what type of application to compile. In this case, a Windows DLL. When left out, the default is a DOS-like command application.
Question #18: Multiple Choice
Given the following three code snippets:
1. TPerson = class(TObject) end; 2. TPerson = class end; 3. TPerson = class(System.TObject) end;
Which of the following statement is most accurate?
1. 1 and 3 are equivalent, 2 will not even compile.
2. All three are equivalent.
3. 2 and 3 are equivalent, 1 will not even compile.
4. 1 and 2 are equivalent, 3 will not even compile.
Question #19: True or False?
A single class can inherit from a parent class and implement one "or more" interfaces.
Question #20: Multiple Choice
The method name of a constructor is?
1. Not defined, use the constructor keyword to signify which method or methods are constructors for a class.
5. ~ + class name, i.e. ~Person
Question #21: True or False?
The method name for a class constructor can be anything including Create and CreateFromTable .
3 Advanced Level Questions
Question #22: Multiple Choice
The correct syntax to inline a function is...
1. function DoSomething; __forceinline ; begin end;
2. _inline function DoSomething;begin end;
3. function DoSomething; inline ; begin end;
5. None of the above. Delphi does not support inlining even in later versions of Delphi such as Delphi 2005 and above.
Question #23: Multiple Choice
In later versions of Delphi, you prevent class and method inheritance with what keyword(s)?
1. You prevent derivation with the final keyword for classes and the sealed keyword for methods.
type Robot = class final (TObject) public procedure x(); virtual; sealed ; end;
2. You prevent derivation for classes and methods using the sealed keyword.
type Robot = class sealed (TObject) public procedure x(); virtual; sealed ; end;
3. You prevent derivation for classes and methods using the final keyword.
type Robot = class final (TObject) public procedure x(); virtual; final ; end;
4. Delphi for Win32 does not support preventing of inheritance with any version of Delphi including later versions.
5. You prevent derivation with the sealed keyword for classes and the final keyword for methods.
type Robot = class sealed (TObject) public procedure x(); virtual; final ; end;
Question #24: Yes or No?
Will the following code compile?
TObjectHelper = class helper for TObject strict private FTempStr: String; public property TempStr: String read FTempStr write FTempStr; end;