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Assignment (Delphi Prism and C++/CLI Cross Reference Guide)

By Mike Prestwood

Delphi Prism versus C++/CLI: A side by side comparison between Delphi Prism and C++/CLI.


A language symbol used for assignment, comparison, computational, or as a logical.


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Common assignment operators for languages include =, ==, and :=. An assignment operator allows you to assign a value to a variable. The value can be a literal value like "Mike" or 42 or the value stored in another variable or returned by a function.

Delphi Prism:   :=

Same as Delphi.

Syntax Example:
FullName: String;
Age: Integer;
FullName := "Randy Spitz";
Age := 38;
C++/CLI:   =

C++/CLI uses = for it's assignment operator.

Syntax Example:
int Age;
string FullName;
Age = 42;
FullName = "Randy Spitz";

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