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Mike Prestwood
1. # of Employees
How many employees does Prestwood have?
8118 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
2. Difficult Estimates
Why is it so difficult to give an estimate for projects?
, last by Gety.H )
7754 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
3. Instant Message with PS Staff
For online business chatting, we use MSN Messenger. MSN Messenger also works with Windows Messenger which comes with Windows XP and above. MSN Messenger is a free download.
16 years ago, and updated 15 years ago
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10143 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
4. Largest Project Size
What's the largest project Prestwood has done?
7252 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
5. Prestwood Primary Business
Prestwood offers many services, standards, and products, what is your focus? What service or product makes most of your money?
7603 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
6. PSDP Online Q&A
PSDP Online Q&A
17 years ago, and updated 15 years ago
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15338 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
7. PSDP: About Estimating
Estimating the time to develop an entire project at the beginning of a project is a tricky task because of too many unknown variables.
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
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9811 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
8. PSDP: About Quality
Quality is one of the factors that determines how much a project will cost. Functional applications are cheaper and faster to get to version 1.0 but cost more to maintain and enhance. In PSDP, functional applications include temporary and moderat risk projects. Robust applications cost a little more to get to version 1.0 but cost less to maintain and enhance. In PSDP, robust applications include high risk, commercial, and critical applications.
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
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13068 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
9. PSDP: Discovery Overview
During Discovery we decide on an approach that works for both companies, establish an initial budget, and document what the software must do.
17 years ago, and updated 17 years ago
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12048 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
10. PSDP: Step 2 Planning Overview (Gen & Design Phases)
During the planning step we document how the software will satisfy the requirements (the what) using a General Design followed by a Detail Design phase.
17 years ago, and updated 17 years ago
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14553 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
11. PSDP: Step 3 Building Step Overview
During the building step, we actually build and debug the software with the Initial Coding and Testing and Rework phases.
17 years ago, and updated 17 years ago
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12026 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
12. PSDP: Step 4 Delivery Overview
The Delivery of your software can be as simple as us emailing you the installation file or delivery can include on-site installation and training.
17 years ago, and updated 17 years ago
, last by Mejsankins.O )
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11757 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
13. Quick Questions
I occasionally have a quick question about a project or an application Im working with. It probably would take one of your programmers 5 or 10 minutes to answer. Do I have to enter into a contract to do this?
7117 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
14. Smaller Is Sometimes Better!
What is the advantage of working with a smaller consulting firm like Prestwood versus a Big 5 IT consulting firm?
16 years ago, and updated 14 years ago
, last by kane.p )
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16866 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
15. Starting a Project with Prestwood IT
The best way to get started is to submit a New Ticket. This ticket will be used to track your project. If you're ready to get started, you can open a support account and optionally pre-pay for some development hours.
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17406 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
16. Upload a File to Prestwood / Download Files
For file management (to and from you), we do not normally use FTP. Instead we use our My Uploads feature to both upload a file to Prestwood and to view existing account files.
To get to your uploads, from the main pull-down menu click My | More... | My Uploads. Use the Upload a File option to send us a file. Use the File Manager options to view existing files you and others have uploaded to your account and files attached to notes. You can add a note to your account, tickets, and PSDP items (tasks, defects, requirement items, etc). All note attachments also show up in your My Uploads area.
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8957 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
17. Version Control
We offer both Vault and SourceOffsite to manage source code. Both have nearly the same feature set and both offer a remote desktop Windows applications for checking source code in and out.
16 years ago, and updated 15 years ago
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9574 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
18. Welcome to our New Client Area!
Welcome to our New Client area and thank you for considering Prestwood Software for your software development outsourcing needs.
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
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7947 Hits
Client Extranet
Mike Prestwood
19. Why Free information?
Why do you put so much free technical information on your web site?
, last by Zeldasco.Z )
9617 Hits
Client Extranet