Includes all three volumes (1, 2, & 3) at a discounted price of only $8.62 per book! 175 total pages (book 1 is 61 pages, book 2 is 53 pages, and book 3 is 61 pages.
by Mike Prestwood
Volumes 1, 2 & 3 An exploration of rhythm, notation, technique, and musicianship.
This thorough and balanced exploration of rhythm, notation, technique, and musicianship has several purposes. You can use this series as a complete primer to playing orchestral snare or as a precursor to playing rudimental snare, drum set, timbales, or any other percussion instrument that uses drumsticks. Advanced players and professionals can use this fast-paced exploration of their craft to fine-tune their timing and sight-reading abilities and to fill in holes in their education. I have tried to use a practical approach and I hope you find it valuable during your entire career.
About the Sight Reading Complete Series This three volume method series uses snare drum sight-reading to prepare and maintain drummers to play all types of percussion instruments that require a stick including marching snare, orchestral snare, drum set, or any other non-pitched percussion instrument.
Sight Reading Practice System Practice Sight Reading * Improve Your Timing * Play New Rhythms
Play each exercise along with MP3 files and improve your timing and accuracy! (You can download the free MP3 files from
Play Along Parts * Check Patterns * Click Tracks * Bass Parts
You will find the practical approach used in this three volume set valuable your entire career. This series presents a balanced and practical approach to drumming as conceived and interpreted by Mike Prestwood.
Each lesson is as complete as possible and as independent from the other lessons as reasonable. You will find yourself returning to various lessons over and over throughout your career. You will find many of the lessons to be excellent reference sources including such lessons as repeats, dynamics, tempo, etc.
Use as a complete primer to playing orchestral snare, marching snare, drum set, or any other percussion instrument that uses drum sticks.
Drum teachers can use this book to easily present the fundamentals of playing drums with sticks.
Professionals can use this series to fine tune their timing and sight reading abilities and to fill in wholes in their education. You can improve your playing by practicing a few exercises from this series daily.
Students will enjoy the even pace and clear explanations.
This book can be used as a first method book, or to supplement your regular practice routine. Practicing sight reading is beneficial for all genres of music. This includes every genre from orchestral music to Latin to heavy metal trap playing.