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October Edition
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Prestwood IT Newsletter May 2010 Issue - Full Edition

Prestwood eMag
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  May 2010 - Full Edition Year 12 Issue 5  
Your full service technology partner!
From The Editor
Mike Prestwood

Hi all,

Social Networking - This month we are featuring an article on social networking for business. In other words, using Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube for marketing and connecting with other like minded people to collaborate on business.

Our community is now split from our business!  Our online community and our business website are now separate! For a very long time we've wanted to separate our business website from our online community but it took a long time to figure out how to do it. We ended up merging into and doing away with Although it still works for a short period of time. We're mostly done but there are some tweaks we still need to make in order to separate the two even more. 

Websites Redesigned!
Click below to visit either of our websites...

Business Website
Prestwood IT Solutions - Business website.
Coding, Website, and Tech services.
Computer community for power-users
and I.T. professionals.


Expert guidance from working professionals!
Mike Prestwood
Internet Marketing topic:
Social Networking Business Strategies
by Mike Prestwood

Marketing and sales is about reaching out to people. People are on social networks so you, or your company, should be out there too. For some companies, a particular social network such as Facebook is another valuable marketing channel. For others, a social network might be a way they interact with their key customers or vendors.

Lighter Side topic:
Scrambled Text
by Mike Prestwood
Apparently if the first and last letters are correct, the rest don't matter.

PSDP Step 3-Build topic (classic post):
PSDP: About Quality
by Mike Prestwood
Quality is one of the factors that determines how much a project will cost. Functional applications are cheaper and faster to get to version 1.0 but cost more to maintain and enhance. In PSDP, functional applications include temporary and moderat risk projects. Robust applications cost a little more to get to version 1.0 but cost less to maintain and enhance. In PSDP, robust applications include high risk, commercial, and critical applications.

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