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Prestwood IT Newsletter Jul 2008 Issue - Full Edition

Prestwood eMag
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  July 2008 - Full Edition Year 10 Issue 7  
Your full service technology partner!

Expert guidance from working professionals!
Mike Prestwood
General News & Trends topic:
Bill Gates Retires!

On Friday, June 27, 2008, Bill Gates retired from Microsoft. Mostly.

Windows Vista topic (classic post):
How to setup a shortcut in Vista
by Mike Prestwood

To create a shortcut, right click on the deskop and select New | Shortcut. The old ways of altering the properties or even copying existing shortcuts is now very limited.

PrestwoodBoards topic (classic post):
Proper Online Netiquette
by Mike Prestwood

Good behavior while participating in online communities, blogs, newsgroups, message boards, etc. Although this article is specific to our website, it's intention is general in nature.

Website Design Services topic (classic post):
Build Your Company's Intranet
by Mike Prestwood
Increase your company's IQ with a properly built company wide intranet.

Foreign Worker Visas: H-1B, L-1 topic (classic post):
Does the U.S. still need H-1B programmers?
by Kim Berry
With the current over abundance of native workers, it might be time to cut back or even abolish H-1B visas.

Lighter Side topic:
Scrambled Text
by Mike Prestwood
Apparently if the first and last letters are correct, the rest don't matter.

Working Remotely with PS topic (classic post):
Instant Message with PS Staff
by Mike Prestwood

For online business chatting, we use MSN Messenger. MSN Messenger also works with Windows Messenger which comes with Windows XP and above. MSN Messenger is a free download.

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