Happy New Year!
2007 was a very good year here at Prestwood and I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and recap some of our achievements this year.
Started sending eMags again! We haven't sent out our monthly eMag in quite a few months because we have been building a semi-automated eMag engine. In previous years we would go through a big production each month just to send out the eMagazine. This last year we created a database driven version that far surpasses anything we could manage to do each month. For each subscriber, our eMag engine looks at your settings and the groups you've selected and other data and chooses content to send you. This eMag is our first semi-automated eMag!
Each month (and only once a month) we'll deliver original content to your email. In addition to keeping up with the latest at Prestwood.com, the focus of our eMagazine is on leading and emerging technologies in software development.
We've had many improvements to our online community. The following list highlights a few:
Our biggest accomplishment is the bringing together of all of our data into groups. This has been a long time dream of mine. I did not like having a separate message board, knowledge base, online store, etc. I wanted to create an online experience that surpasses the message board experience but is just as organized and understandable as a message board. I think we've accomplished it.
With the excitement over blogs on the web, we couldn't resist adding a member blog feature this past year. Our original plan was to limit the blogs to technical blogs since we are a technical community. However, we've decided that went against the concept of blogs and very recently decided to allow ANY content (well, any content legal and clean of course).
Start a personal blog on Prestwood today!
PSDP Online - PSDP Online is our database driven software development process we use with our clients and this year, we've made more enhancements to it than to any other part of our website.
PSDP Online Overview - Outsourcing done right!
PSDP Online offers you visibility into the work we're doing for you. If a task grows into a project, we use our PSDP software development process along with this online database for tracking your project including tasks, requirements, test scripts, builds, defects, etc. The enterprise modeling view ties together multiple applications and multiple projects. This online database serves as a permanent knowledge base for the work we do for you. Also, you have full access to this database so you can add and edit information yourself which can save both time and money.
Your company's custom software is YOUR
intellectual property. Our online PSDP database is part of your
institutional memory.
The Prestwood Staff - The employees, contractors, moderators, and contributers drive Prestwood Software and our online community. Through the years I've had the pleasure of working with and interacting with many developers online in our community and working on projects here at Prestwood Software. I'm proud of what we've accomplished together and I look forward to the future.
Thank you all and here's to a great 2008!
Read More on 2007 / Comment - http://www.prestwood.com/ASPSuite/eBoard/Thread.asp?MBID=12359
Mike A. Prestwood
President & CEO
Prestwood Software