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Prism KB: Delphi Prism Topic

RemObjects Software and Embarcadero Technologies joined forces to develop Delphi Prism, a next generation development suite for .NET and Mono, based on RemObjects Software's award-winning Oxygene compiler technology.

Delphi Prism replaced both Delphi for .NET and the existing Oxygene product, allowing the two companies to work together on providing one unified solution for managed development.


66 Articles Found in the Delphi Prism Topic  (or one of the sub-topics in bold above)

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Joshua Delahunty
1. ASP.NET under Delphi

use of Sender under Delphi for .NET

Posted to KB Topic: Delphi for .Net Archive
19 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Joshua Delahunty
2. ASP.NET with Delphi for .Net Q&A

Some initial questions and answers we had as we first approached building ASP.NET applications using Delphi 2006

Posted to KB Topic: Delphi for .Net Archive
19 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
3. Delphi Prism Abstraction (abstract, override)

Prism supports abstract class members and abstract classes using the abstract keyword. An abstract class is a class with one or more abstract members and you cannot instantiate an abstract class. However, you can have additional implemented methods and properties. An abstract member is either a method (method, procedure, or function), a property, or an event in an abstract class. You can add abstract members ONLY to abstract classes using the abstract keyword. Alternatively, you can use the empty keyword in place of abstract if you wish to instantiate the abstract class.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
4. Delphi Prism Assignment (:=)

Same as Delphi.

16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
5. Delphi Prism Base Class (System.Object)

In Prism, the Object keyword is an alias for the base System.Object class and is the single base class all classes ultimately inherit from.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
6. Delphi Prism Case Sensitivity (No)

Prism is generally not case sensitive. Commands and variable names are not case sensitive.

Note: Prism (and Delphi for .Net) do not automatically match your typed case with the defined case as C# and VB.Net do within the Visual Studio Shell.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
7. Delphi Prism Class Contracts (require, ensure)

Prism supports class contracts with its require and ensure keywords. The require keyword is a pre condition that must be true when the method is called. The ensure keyword is a post condition that much be true when a method exits. With either, if the condition evaluates to false, then an assertion is generated.

They can be used to check for the validity of input parameters, results, or for the state of the object required by the method.

The require and ensure keywords will expand the method body to list the preconditions; both sections can contain a list of Boolean statements, separated by semicolons.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
8. Delphi Prism Class Member Visibility Levels

In Prism, you specify each class and each class member's visibility with a Class Member Visibility Level preceding the return type. Like Delphi, you group member declarations as part of defining the interface for a class in the Interface section of a unit.

Unlike Delphi, Prism supports a traditional OO approach to member visibility with additional .Net type assembly visibility. For example, private members are truly private to the class they are declared in. In Delphi for Win32, you use strict private for true traditional private visibility.

Prism also supports assembly and protected and assembly or protected which modify the visibility of protected members to include only descendants in the same assembly (and) or publicly accessible from assembly and descendant only outside (or). OO purist might object to assembly and protected and assembly or protected and I suggest you choose the traditional private, protected, and public as your first chose at least until you both fully understand them and have a specific need for them.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
(4 Comments , last by mprestwood )

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
9. Delphi Prism Class Members (static)

The Strict keyword was introduced from the beginning (Delphi.Net preview that shipped with D7).

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
10. Delphi Prism Class..Object (

Declare your class in the Interface section. Then implement the class in the Implementation section. To create an object instance, use the New keyword. Optionally, you can use Create for backword compatibility with Delphi if you turn it on in the compatibility options. Since Prism does have a garbage collector, you do not have to free the object. If you need to free either unmanaged resources or resources where "timing" is important, implement IDisposable and take control of freeing the object yourself using Dispose.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
(1 Comments , last by mtiede )


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
11. Delphi Prism Code Blocks (begin..end)

Same as in Delphi for Win32 but Prism also supports inline variable declaration.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
12. Delphi Prism Comments (// or { ... } or (* ... *))

Delphi uses // for a single line comment and both {} and (**) for multiple line comments. Although you can nest different types of multiple line comments, it is recommended that you don't. Commenting code generally has three purposes: to document your code, for psuedo coding prior to coding, and to embed compiler directives. Most languages support both a single line comment and a multiple line comment. Some languages also use comments to give instructions to the compiler or interpreter. A special comment. Delphi compiler directives are in the form of {$DIRECTIVE}. Of interest for comments is using the $IFDEF compiler directive to remark out code.

17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
(4 Comments , last by Jason.M4 )

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
13. Delphi Prism Comparison Operators (=, <>)

Same as Delphi.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
14. Delphi Prism Constants (const kPI: Double=3.1459;)

In Prism, you define constants similar to how you define variables but use the Const keyword instead of the Var keyword. Specifying the type is optional. If you don't specify the type, the compiler chooses the most appropriate type for you.

Declare class constants as part of the class definitions. Declare local constants above the begin..end. Although Prism support inline variables, inline constants are not supported.

17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
15. Delphi Prism Constructors (constructor + class name)

Prism uses unnamed constructor methods for constructors. Prism also supports a Create constructor method for backward compatibility with Delphi for Win32.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
16 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
(1 Comments , last by Luca.T2 )


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
16. Delphi Prism Custom Routines (method, procedure, function)

In Prism, everything is within a class (just like with C#, VB.Net, and Java). So you create class methods using the method keyword. Alternatively, you can use procedure or function if you want the compiler to enforce returning or not returning a value.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
17. Delphi Prism Deployment Overview

Prism projects require the .Net framework and any additional dependencies you've added such as Crystal Reports.

In Visual Studio.Net, you can create a Setup and Deployment project by using any of the templates available on the New Project dialog (Other Project Types).

Prism doesn't directly support ClickOnce. At least not yet. In other words, there isn't a Security tab on the solution properties dialog. To create a ClickOnce deploy package, search the internet for mage.exe and mageui.exe.

In addition, you can use any of the many free and commercially available installation packages.

Posted to KB Topic: Tool Basics
16 years ago
(1 Comments , last by Annette.G )

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
18. Delphi Prism Development Tools

Delphi.Net first shipped as a compiler only with Delphi 7. Delphi 8 is a .Net dedicated solution (no Win32) but was not clearly better than VS.Net so more developers moved to VS.Net and bypassed Delphi 8. Delphi for .Net shipped with Delphi 2005, 2006, and 2007 but languished because of a lack of development and VS.Net clearly implemented more .Net CLS features than Delphi for .Net. Delphi Prism (Oxygene) strives to keep pace and in some cases out pace C# and VB.Net using the Object Pascal language.

17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
19. Delphi Prism Empty String Check (length)

In Prism, a string can be nil (unassigned), assigned an empty string (""), or assigned a value.  Therefore, to check if a string is empty, you have to check against both nil and (""). Alternatively, you can check the length of the string or use String.IsNullOrEmpty.

16 years ago


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
20. Delphi Prism End of Statement (;)

Object Pascal uses a semicolon ";" as an end of statement specifier and you can put multiple statements on a single line of code and put a single statement on two or more code lines if you wish.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
21. Delphi Prism Event Handler

The Delphi Prism

Most notable for Delphi developers is the fact that Prism does not offer initialization nor finalization sections.

16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
22. Delphi Prism Exception Trapping (try..except, try..finally)

Use a try..except..end block to trap and process errors.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Details
16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
23. Delphi Prism File Extensions

Common or primary file extensions used (not a complete list, just the basics). Delphi Prism common source code file extensions include:

  • .SLN - Solution File.
  • .Oxygene - Project File. Contains project specific information but this is not the Delphi-like project file Delphi developers are used to. This is the VS.Net project file.
  • Program.pas - This is the Delphi-like .dpr project-equivalent file and contains the Main method.
  • .pas - Delphi Prism source file (same extension as Delphi for Win32).
  • .Designer.pas - Prism form file (a text resource file).
Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
24. Delphi Prism Finalizer (finalize())

Unlike Delphi, Delphi Prism uses the .Net garbage collector to free managed object instances. Prism does not have nor need a true destructor.

In .Net, a finalizer is used to free non-managed objects such as a file or network resource. Because you don't know when the garbage collector will call your finalizer, Microsoft recommends you implement the IDisposable interface for non-managed resources and call it's Dispose() method at the appropriate time.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
16 years ago, and updated 16 years ago


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
25. Delphi Prism IDE vs VS.Net Does Delphi Prism look and feel like Visual Studio or Delphi? In other words, is Delphi Prism VS.Net or Delphi?
Posted to KB Topic: Tool Basics
17 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
26. Delphi Prism If Statement (if..else if..else)

Notice in the more complete example that the semicolon for the begin..end block after end is not included. That tells the compiler something else is coming (the statement is not finished). Also note the semicolon is missing right before the final "else" statement.

17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
27. Delphi Prism Inheritance (=class(ParentClass))

In Prism, like Delphi, you use the class keyword followed by the parent class in parens. If you leave out the parent class, your class inherits from System.Object.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
28. Delphi Prism Inlining (Automatic)

In Prism, inlining is automatically done for you by the JIT compiler for all languages and in general leads to faster code for all programmers whether they are aware of inlining or not.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Details
16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
29. Delphi Prism Interfaces

With Prism, you use the Interface keyword to define an interface and then you include one or more interfaces where you specify the single class inheritance (separated by commas).

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
(1 Comments , last by mtiede )


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
30. Delphi Prism Left of String (Substring)

Delphi Prism Left of String

Posted to KB Topic: Language Details
16 years ago
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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
31. Delphi Prism Literals (quote or apostrophe)

General Info: Programming Literals

A value directly written into the source code of a computer program (as opposed to an identifier like a variable or constant). Literals cannot be changed. Common types of literals include string literals, floating point literals, integer literals, and hexidemal literals. Literal strings are usually either quoted (") or use an apostrophe (') which is often referred to as a single quote. Sometimes quotes are inaccurately referred to as double quotes.

Languages Focus: Literals

In addition to understanding whether to use a quote or apostrophe for string literals, you also want to know how to specify and work with other types of literals including floating point literals. Some compilers allow leading and trailing decimals (.1 + .1), while some require a leading or trailing 0 as in (0.1 + 0.1). Also, because floating point literals are difficult for compilers to represent accurately, you need to understand how the compiler handles them and how to use rounding and trimming commands correctly for the nature of the project your are coding.

Delphi Prism Literals

In Prism, you use either quotes or apostrophes for string literals.

Different than Delphi, you can start floating point literals with a decimal or an integer. For example, to specify a fractional floating point literal between 1 and -1, you can preceed the decimal with a 0 or not.

x := .1 + .1; //Does work.
x := 0.1 + 0.1; //Does work.
Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
32. Delphi Prism Logical Operators

Prism logical operators:

and and, as in this and that
or or, as in this or that
not Not, as in Not This
xor either or, as in this or that but not both

Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
33. Delphi Prism Member Events (event)

Like all .Net languages, Prism events are a separate type of class member. You define a member event by using the event keyword. Events depend on Delegates to define the signature (the type) of the event they represent and they maintain a list of multiple subscribers - unlike in Delphi for Win32, where each event can only have one handler

16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
34. Delphi Prism Member Field

In Prism you can set the visibility of a member field to any visibility: private, protected, public, assembly and protected or assembly or protected. Prism supports the readonly modifier for member fields which is handy for constant like data. In this case, I chose not to preface my read-only member field with "F" so it's usage is just like a read-only property. Prism also support the class modifier (static data) for member fields. Delphi developers should notice the use of := to initialize a member field (in Delphi you use an =).

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
(1 Comments , last by mtiede )


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
35. Delphi Prism Member Method (method, procedure, function)

Prism uses the keyword method for member methods. Alternatively, you can use procedure or function if you want the compiler to make sure all functions return a value and all procedures do not.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
36. Delphi Prism Member Modifiers

Prism supports a full suite of member modifiers. Prism virtuality modifiers are virtual, override, final, and reintroduce. Prism general modifiers are abstract, empty, async, external, locked, unsafe, implements, and iterator. Not all member types support all member modifiers. For example, member fields support only readonly and implements.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
37. Delphi Prism Member Property (

Like Delphi, Delphi Prism uses a special property keyword to both get and set the values of properties. The read and write keywords are used to get and set the value of the property directly or through an accessor method. For a read-only property, leave out the write portion of the declaration.

You can give properties any visibility you wish (private, protected, etc). It is common in Delphi and Delphi Prism to start member fields with "F" ("FName" in our example) and drop the "F" with properties that manage member fields ("Name" in our example).

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
17 years ago, and updated 15 years ago
(2 Comments , last by mprestwood )

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
38. Delphi Prism Overloading (implicit)

Like Delphi, Prism supports overloading. However, Prism supports implicit overloading (no need for an overload keyword).

Posted to KB Topic: Language Details
16 years ago


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
39. Delphi Prism Overriding (virtual, override)

Same as Delphi. In Prism, you specify a virtual method with the virtual keyword in a parent class and replace it in a descendant class using the override keyword. Call Inherited in the descendant method to execute the code in the parent method.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
16 years ago


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
40. Delphi Prism Overview and History

Language Overview: Prism is a type safe language and a fully OOP language (no global functions or variables except for a very special __Global class). You code using a fully OOP approach (everything is in a class) but you have the additional benefit of a hybrid language using a special __Global class. Prism targets the .Net CLR and Mono. Based on Borland's original work with Delphi.Net and the continued by RemObjects as Oxygene, and now co-developed by CodeGear and RemObjects.

Target Platforms: Delphi Prism is most suitable for creating any type of application that runs on the .Net platform. This includes desktop business application using WinForms and websites using WebForms.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
41. Delphi Prism Parameters (var, const, out)

Prism allows parameters of the same type to be listed together, separated by commas, and followed with a single data type (more params of different data types can follow, after a semi-colon). The default for parameters is by value. For by reference, add var in front of the parameter. Prism also offers constant parameters where you add const in front of the parameter. A constant parameter is like a local constant or read-only parameter the compiler can optimize.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
42. Delphi Prism Partial Classes (partial)

Prism supports both partial classes and partial methods using the keyword partial. A partial method is an empty method defined in a partial class.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
16 years ago, and updated 16 years ago


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
43. Delphi Prism Pointers

Although pointer data types in Prism coding are less important than in other languages such as C++, Prism does support developer defined pointers. Use the ^ operator to declare a pointer data type. Use the @ operator to return the current address of a variable.

In .Net managed coding the use of pointers is not safe because the garbage collector may move memory around. To safely use pointers, use the unsafe keyword. However, avoid unsafe code if possible.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Details
16 years ago
(2 Comments , last by Robert.V2 )

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
44. Delphi Prism Polymorphism

Prism supports the following types of polymorphism:

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
16 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
45. Delphi Prism Prevent Derivation (sealed, final)

Same keywords as Delphi (sealed uses slightly different syntax). With Prism, use the sealed keyword before the class keyword to prevent a class from being inherited from and use the final keyword to prevent a method from being overridden.

Posted to KB Topic: OOP
16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
46. Delphi Prism Report Tools Overview

For WebForm applications the client target is the browser (a document interfaced GUI), a common solution is to simply output an HTML formatted page with black text and a white background (not much control but it does work for some situations). For WinForm applications Rave Reports and Crystal Reports are very popular with Delphi Prism and Delphi for .Net developers.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago, and updated 17 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
47. Delphi Prism Self Keyword (Self)

Within the implementation of a method, the identifier Self references the object in which the method is called. The Self variable is an implicit parameter for each object method.
A method can use this variable to refer to its owning class.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Details
16 years ago
(1 Comments , last by Margie.J )

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
48. Delphi Prism String Concatenation (+)

Unlike Delphi, Prism performs implicit casting. To concatenate two strings, a string to an integer, or a string to a floating point number, use the + operator. For example, to convert a floating point number to a string just concatenate an empty string to the number as in "" + 3.2.

Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
16 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
49. Delphi Prism Syntax compared with Win32 Delphi
Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
50. Delphi Prism Unary Operators

The Prism unary operators are:


Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
16 years ago, and updated 16 years ago


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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
51. Delphi Prism Variables (var x: Integer := 0;)

Prism supports type inference where you just use a variable and the compiler will then choose the lowest type possible (such as an Integer before a LongInt). With Prism, you frequently do not have to use commands to convert from one type to another. Variable names are not case sensitive. The Prism language offers both old-style declaring variables before the begin as well as inline variable declaration. Prism does support variable initialization too. Prism offers many variable types. Some common variable types include Integer, LongInt, Single, Double, Boolean, and String.

17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
52. Delphi Prism vs. CSharp
17 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
53. Delphi Syntax vs Prism Syntax

How close is the syntax for Delphi for Win32 and Delphi Prism?

Posted to KB Topic: Tool Basics
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Joshua Delahunty
54. Deploying Delphi for .NET ASP.NET pages

Tips on deploying ASP.NET pages written with Delphi for .NET 2006

Posted to KB Topic: Delphi for .Net Archive
19 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
(3 Comments , last by Pattrick.S )

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
55. Fix For .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 Delphi 8 Problem Delphi 8 fix for Required package Borland$ not found caused by the .Net Framework service pack 1 update.
Posted to KB Topic: Delphi for .Net Archive
21 years ago, and updated 17 years ago
(21 Comments , last by lala.k )

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
56. Introducing Delphi Prism. The new Delphi.Net!

Embarcadero Technologies and RemObjects Software have announced Delphi Prism, a next generation development suite for .NET and Mono, based on RemObjects Software's Oxygene compiler technology.

Delphi Prism will replace both Delphi for .NET and the existing Oxygene product, allowing the two companies to work together on providing one unified solution for managed development.

Key Points:

  • Delphi Prism screen shot.Install Delphi Prism as a plug-in to Visual Studio or run as a standalone development tool.
  • Targets .Net and Mono.
    • Target .NET applications using the latest Microsoft .NET 3.5 technologies such as WinForms, WPF, Silverlight, ASP.NET, and LINQ'
    • Mac OS X and Linux with open source CLR technologies such as Mono and Cocoa#'
  • No VCL.Net (this Delphi for .Net feature was dropped).
  • Build Windows applications first and foremost but also build Mac and Linux applications for added flexibility.
  • Integrated managed code database engine targeting Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
  • Supports all CLS features such as generics, sequences, queries and parallel computing.
17 years ago, and updated 17 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Joshua Delahunty
57. Learning ASP.NET with Delphi - setting up Cassini Web Server

Some initial tips on the road to using Delphi to program ASP.NET web pages.

Posted to KB Topic: Delphi for .Net Archive
19 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
(1 Comments , last by Hesende.V )

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
58. Oxidizer

Oxidizer is a free tool that (in combination with ShineOn) is provided to help to port Delphi (Win32 and .NET) projects to the Delphi Prism language. Oxidizer is a command line tool that will adjust your .pas source files for common differences between the two languages.

Posted to KB Topic: Tool Basics
16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
59. Partial Methods versus Abstract Methods

What is the difference between a partial method and an abstract method?

16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Joshua Delahunty
60. Scoping in ASP.NET (Delphi) Objects

Private and public variables on objects may not behave the way you'd expect, causing you to have to declare them more globally.

Posted to KB Topic: Delphi for .Net Archive
19 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
61. Share Code with Delphi and Prism

Can I share code between a Delphi and a Dephi Prism project? I want to have a single source Win32 and .Net application.

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16 years ago
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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
62. ShineOn

A Delphi Prism implementation of the Delphi for Win32 RTL.

Posted to KB Topic: Tool Basics
16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
63. The Delphi Prism Primer
Posted to KB Topic: Language Details
16 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
64. The Delphi Prism WIKI
Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago

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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
65. VCL.Net in Delphi Prism I'm a big fan of VCL.Net. Is VCL.Net a part of Delphi Prism?
Posted to KB Topic: Tool Basics
17 years ago
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Delphi Prism

Mike Prestwood
66. Win32 Delphi vs. Delphi Prism
Posted to KB Topic: Language Basics
17 years ago

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Delphi Prism

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