Mike Prestwood
Mike Prestwood's File Library
41 Files (files available for download).
These Files are organized by our community groups then by our knowledge base sub-topics.
A download file is a link to a set of products, a product page, download file, or a download library of files.
Note: When posting a file, we prefer you post a link here in our file library to the file's maintained Profile (no need to upload it to our server).
Group: Linux Users
Topic: Linux Applications
Group: Corel Paradox / ObjectPAL Coding
Topic: Paradox & ObjectPAL
Felicia Keyboard Game |
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This simple game demonstrates disabling keys, generatingsounds, and random numbers.
FreeWheel by Jim Barry |
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Enables mouse wheel in all programs.
A cuddly tray icon which makes all your apps work with the IntelliMouse scrolling wheel. Two modes of operation are supported. Also, FreeWheel allows you to switch between documents by holding down the control and shift keys while moving the mouse wheel. FreeWheel is free, so dont delay - try it today. You might like it! Requires Microsoft IntelliMouse or equivalent.
Mike Prestwood's Books |
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Lots to download here including support files, chapter PDFs, sample applications, and more.
Paradox 9 Help & PDF Files |
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Paradox 9 ships with several very valuable help files. For convenience, you can also download them here.
PrestoEdit |
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Powerful text and source code editor that color codes ObjectPAL syntax. Great for times when you wish to edit ObjectPAL outside of Paradox.
Topic: Installation, Setup, & BDE
Windows Help program |
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Windows Vista and Server 2008 users need to install Windows Help to use Paradox's help.
Posted By Mike Prestwood,
Post #101138, KB Topic: Installation, Setup, & BDE
Topic: Paradox Tables
Borland TUtility wrapped up in a Prestwood Installation |
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This Win32 program will verify and rebuild all versions of Paradox tables (3.5, 4, 5, and 7). To be clear, this program was not written by us. We simply packaged up the appropriate two files from Borland's BDE Utilities and Updates page in an installation program.
Direct Paradox Engine |
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This engine allows you to read and load Paradox, dBase and DBISAM tables into any MS Jet/ADO datasource
Topic: OPAL: Language Basics
Consolas Font |
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If you're looking for a replacement for Courier when editing ObjectPAL code, consider Consolas. The Microsoft Consolas Font Family is a set of highly legible fonts designed for ClearType. It is intended for use in programming environments and other circumstances where a monospaced font is specified. This installation package will set the default font for Visual Studio to Consolas, but if you don't have Visual Studio installed, it just skips that process without error.
Posted By Mike Prestwood,
Post #101174, KB Topic: OPAL: Language Basics
Topic: Interactive Paradox: Forms
WinStyles.ft Style Sheet |
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This is the default style sheet that ships with Paradox 10 and 11+. It's a nice clean style sheet so I'm making it available here for Paradox 9 and earlier users who wish to use it.
Posted By Mike Prestwood,
Post #101173, KB Topic: Interactive Paradox: Forms
Topic: ObjectPAL Coding
psSendMail DLL |
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Easily send e-mail directly from your custom applications. Works with all 32-bit Windows development environments and includes Paradox, Access, and Visual Basic examples.
Topic: Runtime, PDE, Package-It!
Topic: Education (Audio/Video)
Topic: P7 Book: Programming Unleashed
Topic: P9 Book: Power Programming
Paradox 9 Book Support Files |
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Download the 1,500 KB ZIP support file download (unzips to 5+MB). Contains 200+ forms demoing code from the book PLUS OTHER MATERIAL (much more material). Also includes 7 libraries, 10 scripts, and other support files (reports, queries, tables, datamodels, etc.)
Posted By Mike Prestwood,
Post #100209, KB Topic: P9 Book: Power Programming
Topic: Paradox for Win16 (versions 1-7)
Group: ASP Classic Coding
Topic: ASP Classic
Group: Website Design & Hosting
Topic: Artistic (design, layout, etc.)
DHTML Menu Builder |
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DHTML Menu Builder is the tool of choice for building Javascript menus for our Prestwood family of websites. Complete dhtml menus can be built, in a matter of minutes, without writing a single line of code. No special plugins and no programming or HTML knowledge required, with just DHTML Menu Builder you'll be able to create great looking and functional dhtml menus for all your web sites.
Posted By Mike Prestwood,
Post #101109, KB Topic: Artistic (design, layout, etc.)
TinyMCE Content Editor |
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This is the rich text editor recommended by Prestwood and used with our family of websites.
Posted By Mike Prestwood,
Post #101110, KB Topic: Artistic (design, layout, etc.)
Topic: Windows Hosting
Group: Java
Topic: Standard Java
Topic: Java EE
Group: Perl
Topic: Perl
ActivePerl Distribution (Install Perl) |
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ActivePerl is the industry-standard Perl distribution, available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX. Developers worldwide rely on ActivePerl's completeness and ease-of-use, while corporate users protect their infrastructure and stay competitive with quality-assured ActivePerl business solutions.
Perl Express |
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Perl Express is an unique and powerful integrated development environment (IDE) under Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003, includes multiple tools for writing and debugging your perl programs.
Perl Express is intended both for the experienced and professional Perl developers and for the beginners.
Since the version 2.5, Perl Express is free software without any limitations, registration is not required.
Group: PHP & Delphi for PHP
Topic: Beginners Corner
Topic: Delphi for PHP
Group: Coding & OO
Topic: General Info, Installation, etc.
Topic: Borland Database Engine
Borland Database Engine 5.202 |
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BDE 5.202 plus BDE Info utility
Download BDE 5.202 (includes a small BDE Information utility for testing the installation).
Posted By Mike Prestwood,
Post #100537, KB Topic: Borland Database Engine
Group: DBA, Databases, & Data
Topic: MS SQL 2005
Topic: MS SQL 2008
Group: Technical Writing
Topic: MS Windows Help Files (.HLP)
ABC Amber HLP Converter |
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Converts HLP files to many formats including PDF, RTF, HTML, DOC, CHM, TXT, DBF, XML, CSV, XLS, MDB, MCW, etc.
Posted By Mike Prestwood,
Post #101190, KB Topic: MS Windows Help Files (.HLP)
Group: Delphi Prism
Topic: Tool Basics
Oxidizer |
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Oxidizer is a free tool that (in combination with ShineOn) is provided to help to port Delphi (Win32 and .NET) projects to the Delphi Prism language. Oxidizer is a command line tool that will adjust your .pas source files for common differences between the two languages.
ShineOn |
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A Delphi Prism implementation of the Delphi for Win32 RTL.