This common syntax name documents editing a record as a whole: add/insert, edit, post data, and delete.
ASP Classic Edit Record
In ASP, using ADO, you use RecordSet.AddNew to add a new record, Recordset.Update to post the record, and RecordSet.Delete to delete it. To edit a record, you open the RecordSet using an editable cursor.
Syntax Example:
The following code snippet adds a record to a given editable RecordSet with FullName and Created fields:
objRS.Fields("FullName") = "Barack Obama"
objRS.Fields("Created") = Now
Delete() Method Notes
After deleting a record, the deleted record remains current until you move to a different record.
If you are in batch update mode the deletion happens when you call the UpdateBatch method.
To use this method assure that the Recordset object allows record deletion.