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  From the December 2008 Issue of Prestwood eMag
Interactive Paradox: Reports:
ObjectPAL Report Tools Overview (Built-In)
Posted 17 years ago on 11/26/2008
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Languages Focus: Report Tools Overview

Built-In: Some development tools have a reporting tool built-in and some do not. For example, typically desktop databases such as Paradox and Access have a built-in reporting tool and typically that reporting tool is used with nearly every application built with it. A built-in reporting tool makes development of reports across many clients and applications consistent and therefore easy.

Add-On: Development tools that do not have a built-in reporting tool need to use either a currently bundled report writer, or one of the popular reporting tools that integrates well with the development tool. For example, popular reporting tools include Crystal Reports, ReportBuilder, and MS SQL Reporting Services (tied to MS SQL).

ObjectPAL Report Tools Overview

Paradox offers a built-in reporting tool that will suffice for most desktop database applications.


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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 2 of 20

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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 3 of 20

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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 4 of 20
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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 5 of 20
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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 7 of 20

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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 8 of 20

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Comment 9 of 20

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Comment 10 of 20

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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 11 of 20

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Posted 6 years ago

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Posted 6 years ago

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Posted 6 years ago

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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 16 of 20

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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 17 of 20

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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 18 of 20

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Posted 6 years ago

Comment 19 of 20

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Posted 6 years ago

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Code Contributed By Mike Prestwood:

Mike Prestwood is a drummer, an author, and creator of the PrestwoodBoards online community. He is the President & CEO of Prestwood IT Solutions. Prestwood IT provides Coding, Website, and Computer Tech services. Mike has authored 6 computer books and over 1,200 articles. As a drummer, he maintains and has authored 3 drum books. If you have a project you wish to discuss with Mike, you can send him a private message through his PrestwoodBoards home page or call him 9AM to 4PM PST at 916-726-5675 x205.

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Since 11/26/2008
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