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Paradox Installation, Setup, & BDE:
Paradox 11 Desktop Settings do not Save (PdxRegCl.exe)
Posted 17 years ago on 11/8/2008 and updated 12/3/2010
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Paradox does not remember desktop settings. I just installed Paradox 11 on a new computer and my working directory and other settings do not stick when I restart Paradox. Why?


Paradox 11 installs a registry cleaner (PdxRegCl) and that is the culprit. The quick fix is to delete the PdxRegCl.exe file in the Paradox folder. For a more complete "cleanup", delete the PdxRegCl.ini file and any PdxRegCl registry entries you find.

PdxRegCl.exe Problem: Delete Files

Search your hard drive for PdxRegCl.* to find the files. On my computer, that searched produced the following list:

  • d:\Program Files\Paradox\Programs\PdxRegCl.exe
  • d:\Program Files\Paradox\Programs\PdxRegCl.ini

Make sure you search your registry for "PdxRegCl" too. Go to Paradox with Office X3 not retaining preferences page on Tek-tips for step by step instructions.


PdxRegCl.exe Info

Here's the properties for the exe:

  • Paradox(R) Registry Key Cleaner
  • Corel Corporation



PdxRegCl.ini Contents

Here is the contents of the INI file from my computer.

; Ini file used for Paradox Registry Key cleaner.
; Please make sure there is no blank before/after section name in []
; please make sure there in no blank before/after KeyName or Value name inside ""
; Setup Time Stamp will be generate by setup. It is a FILETIME type 64bits time.
;Cleanup Time stamp will be generate by PdxRegCl.exe. It is a FILETIME type 64bits time.

; MaxNumber- it should greater or equal to the total number of Registry Key Section list after this section
; MaxRegSectionNameLen - the maximum character which a registry key section name could have

; List the Registry Key Section here.
; Maximum character of section name is set in MaxRegSectionNameLen .
; Section name must be leading by letter. It could be followed by any letter or digit
; No ValueName in section or ValueName is empty means all subkey/value will be delete with the key.

Linked Message Board Threads

 Preferences not retained in Paradox Setup, Vista, etc. MB Topic (5 replies)
 Registry vs. pdoxwin.ini in Paradox Setup, Vista, etc. MB Topic (2 replies)
 paradox 11 restart in Paradox Forms MB Topic (3 replies)
 p13 losing settings in Paradox Setup, Vista, etc. MB Topic (7 replies)


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First Comment
Comment 1 of 13


many thanks


Posted 17 years ago

Comment 2 of 13


I solved the problem! :-)))

There are 2 items in the list of (Control Panel->) Programs and Services:
1. Paradox, 2. WPO X5

I uninstalled the WPO X5 and I deleted all the entries of PdxRegCl from the
Windows Registry. (After unistall WPO the Paradox still on the list and works
well!) I set the preferences of Paradox and restrated the OS. The Paradox
works fine now!

There is the PdxRegCl.exe on the PC, but it won't run anymore!

Thank your for your time you spent on the problem!


Posted 15 years ago

Comment 3 of 13
Hi Again!

I just installed the Paradox form the WPO X5.
I deleted all the entries of Reg. Cleaner from the Win 7 registry, but it always re-install itself!

I can't find any working solution on the internet for this problem. Can anybody help me, please?
I already read about this problem on this site, but the solution doesn't work for me (on Win7)!

Posted 15 years ago

Comment 4 of 13

Excellent, glad it's fixed and thanks for letting us know.

Posted 15 years ago

Comment 5 of 13

I concur with SzLD. I repeatedly remove pointers to pdxregcl.exe from the registry. If I close and restart Paradox I receive the W7 message: Wait while Windows configures Paradox. What the benighted os is doing is reinstalling pdxregcl and changing the registry back, so every time I try to start a query form I have to go back and change the working directory, which means losing my input.

There must be a way to stop this behavior. Or no?

Posted 14 years ago

Comment 6 of 13

resolved. Remove ONLY the registry entry. Leave the files on the drive.

Posted 14 years ago

Comment 7 of 13

Thanks! Every time I install Paradox on a new computer, I have to struggle through this inane problem. It's beyond belief that Corel hasn't implemented this simple fix -- why on earth do they allow the program to install something in the registry that defeats one of the most basic settings in Preferences -- "save on exit" and "restore on startup." Further proof that software engineer seldom actually use the stuff they create!

BTW, I edited the registry (about half a dozen entries deleted) but I didn't delete the two files from the hard drive -- I just added .STOP to their names in case I ever should need them.

Doug Collins
Posted 11 years ago

Comment 8 of 13

I have installed Paradox11 on Windows7 Japanese version.

But I cannot change default font or working directory, and I find this page.

On my case, remove registry key, leave the files as Pdxregcl.* on the drive,

and make shortcut with parameter switch -n . 

IF without -n switch, paradox change registry.

Mark Hayashi
Posted 11 years ago

Comment 9 of 13

I recently installed Paradox 11 and encountered this problem as well. It seems easy to fix under Windows 8 (and, presumably, 10). I found the registry cleaner under the startup tab in the Task Manager and just disabled it from there and everything now seems to work fine. But I also have machines running Windows 7 and it seems much more problematic here - the startup progams are not listed in the startup directory and Pdxregcl does not show up in the startup folder. So - I ran a search, found the two files and manually deleted them. Unfortunately, when I did this, Paradox would no longer run and I had to reinstall.

Posted 10 years ago

Comment 10 of 13

I have to say, this problem has got me beat! On Windows 7, anyway. Like SLZD, I first tried removing the files but Paradox just reinstalls them again. So, next I thought it would try removing or renaming them in the startup directory, a solution which worked for me on Windows 8. This didn't work because the files are not in there. So....finally, I thought I would rename or remove directly from the registry, so, using the link on one of the previous posts as a guide, I opened regedit and navigated my way down to the Run directory....only to find that they're not there either.

So, what does this mean? Unless I was looking in the wrong place (and I followed the path instructed very carefully) the files don't seem to be referenced in the registry.

I'm flummoxed.

Posted 9 years ago

Comment 11 of 13

Hooray! A fix which seems to work. I found a message on a different thread which suggest running MSCONFIG and just unchecking the registry editor in startup there and that seems to have worked.

Posted 9 years ago

Comment 12 of 13

Hello, (2017.05.11)

I had opportunity to install and play with Paradox from
Corel WordPerfect Office X8 – Professional Edition.

I installed just Paradox (and Paradox Runtime) and nothing else
from Corel WordPerfect Office X8 – Professional Edition.

After installation I don't run Paradox but rename
to e.g.

then in the Registry I deleted all entries with "PdxRegCl".
(approximately dozen entries)

for development purposes I had import into the Registry:
(Editor colors and Editor font)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Editor Colors]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Editor Window]
which I have saved from my old Paradox installation.

Then I install "Paradox Runtime".

I tested "Paradox X8" and "Paradox runtime X8" with old Applications running
on old Paradox 11 installation. I found no problem, everything work fine.

I made comparison of two Paradox instalations.
Paradox and "Paradox runtime" from Corel WordPerfect Office X5 – Professional Edition
is exactly the same like
Paradox and "Paradox runtime" from Corel WordPerfect Office X8 – Professional Edition

You don't need to buy Corel WordPerfect Office X8 – Professional Edition
when you want just Paradox. It is Paradox




I don't know how to insert a pictures from my local computer to this message

to see "About Paradox" and "Copyright"

Posted 8 years ago

Latest Comment
Comment 13 of 13

I concur with SzLD. I repeatedly remove pointers to pdxregcl.exe from the registry. If I close and restart Paradox I receive the W7 message: Wait while Windows configures Paradox. You can try to use best essay services What the benighted os is doing is reinstalling pdxregcl and changing the registry back, so every time I try to start a query form I have to go back and change the working directory, which means losing my input.

Posted 6 years ago
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FAQ Contributed By Mike Prestwood:

Mike Prestwood is a drummer, an author, and creator of the PrestwoodBoards online community. He is the President & CEO of Prestwood IT Solutions. Prestwood IT provides Coding, Website, and Computer Tech services. Mike has authored 6 computer books and over 1,200 articles. As a drummer, he maintains and has authored 3 drum books. If you have a project you wish to discuss with Mike, you can send him a private message through his PrestwoodBoards home page or call him 9AM to 4PM PST at 916-726-5675 x205.

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