Hello, (2017.05.11)
I had opportunity to install and play with Paradox from Corel WordPerfect Office X8 – Professional Edition.
I installed just Paradox (and Paradox Runtime) and nothing else from Corel WordPerfect Office X8 – Professional Edition.
After installation I don't run Paradox but rename ..\Paradox\Programs\PdxRegCl.exe ..\Paradox\Programs\PdxRegCl.ini to e.g. ..\Paradox\Programs\PdxRegCl.exe.XXX ..\Paradox\Programs\PdxRegCl.ini.XXX
then in the Registry I deleted all entries with "PdxRegCl". (approximately dozen entries)
for development purposes I had import into the Registry: (Editor colors and Editor font) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Editor Colors] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Editor Window] which I have saved from my old Paradox installation.
Then I install "Paradox Runtime".
I tested "Paradox X8" and "Paradox runtime X8" with old Applications running on old Paradox 11 installation. I found no problem, everything work fine.
I made comparison of two Paradox instalations. Result: Paradox and "Paradox runtime" from Corel WordPerfect Office X5 – Professional Edition is exactly the same like Paradox and "Paradox runtime" from Corel WordPerfect Office X8 – Professional Edition
You don't need to buy Corel WordPerfect Office X8 – Professional Edition when you want just Paradox. It is Paradox

I don't know how to insert a pictures from my local computer to this message
to see "About Paradox" and "Copyright"