Override Details
- You cannot override a regular non-virtual method, nor a static method.
- The first version of the parent method must be virtual or abstract.
- You can override any parent method marked virtual, abstract, or override (already overridden).
- The methods must have the same signature.
- The methods must have the same visibility (the same access level).
- Use the base keyword to refer to the parent class as in base.SomeMethod().
C# Override Example
The following code snippet demonstrates using virtual and override to override a parent method in a descendant class.
using System;
class Dog
public virtual void Bark()
class GermanShepard:Dog
public override void Bark()
class Chiuaua:Dog
public override void Bark()
class InclusionExample
public static void Main()
Dog MyDog=new Dog();
MyDog=new GermanShepard();
MyDog.Bark(); // prints Rrrrooouuff!!
MyDog=new Chiuaua();
MyDog.Bark(); // prints ruff;
Hiding a Method with New
Use the new keyword to introduce a new implementation of a parent method (this hides the parent method). You can hide a method without using new but you will get a compiler warning. Using new will suppress the warning.
The new and override modifiers have different meanings. The new modifier creates a new member with the same name, signature, and visibility and hides the original member. The override modifier extends the implementation for an inherited member and allows you to implement inheritance-based polymorphism.
Avoid Introducing New Members: Sometimes there are clear reasons to introduce a new method with the same name, signature, and visibility of a parent method. In those clear cases, introducing a new member is a powerful feature. However, if you do not have a clear reason, then avoid introducing a new version of a method by naming the new method something unique and appropriate.
class Robot : System.Object
public void Speak()
MessageBox.Show("Robot says hi");
class Cyborg : Robot
new public void Speak()
Calling the Base Class Version
A common task In OO is to extend a method by first executing the parent method code and then adding code. Use the base keyword to refer to the parent class as in base.SomeMethod().
class Robot : System.Object
public virtual void Speak()
MessageBox.Show("Robot says hi");
class Cyborg : Robot
public override void Speak()