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October Edition
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  From the December 2011 Issue of Prestwood eMag
Client Dr. Bott:
Dr. Bott Upload Wizard
Posted 16 years ago on 7/18/2008 and updated 9/2/2008
Take Away:

A Dr Bott uploader. This wizard uploads store items to our ASPSuite eStore storefront software. We can customize it to upload to your store from any drop-shipper.


What it Does
For each record in the Dr. Bott tab delimited file, it...

  1. Uploads all "new" categories.
  2. Uploads all "new" products.
  3. Uploads all "new" product/category links (based on Dr Bott known categories for each product).
  4. If an item is not in a new Dr Bott text file but is in the existing local tables, the item is marked NOT available in the store.

In all three cases above, "new" means your local tables don't know the record was uploaded. Once the record is uploaded, the record is marked as uploaded and skipped if you do a minimal update. When uploading, the Upload Wizard checks the remote database to see if the record exists. If the remote record does exist, it's updated. If not, the record is inserted into the remote database.

Typical Use of the Dr. Bott Upload Wizard

ASPSuite Upload Wizard: Dr Bott

To start the Dr Bott upload wizard, select Wizard | Dr. Bott.

Dr Bott Upload Wizard

Step 1: Import Dr Bott Text File

The first step is to import the Dr Bott text file into local tables. Download the latest items file from Dr Bott to your local drive, select it using the "..." button, then click Next.

  • Dr Bott download page - Use this link to easily and quickly go to the Dr Bott Reseller area.
  • Empty local tables before import - Uncheck this for most situations. Clears local tables if you ever need to start over. However, you will loose the ability to remove old items currently in the store (they become orphaned) so do NOT check this field.
  • Skip Import - After you've imported for the day, you can check this box to skip the long process of importing the text file. This is handy if you are uploading several categories at a time. Normally, you will leave this unchecked.

Dr Bott Importing

Step 2: Specify Inventory Types

Once your local tables are updated, you will get to choose what inventory statuses to upload. select all of them and click Next.

Dr Bott Step 2

Step 3: Specify Categories

Next, you get to choose what categories to upload. select all of them and click Next.

Dr Bott Step 3

Step 4: Set Initial Pricing

This is just the initial bulk upload price. The website is where you will fine tune your pricing. Input your options and click Next.

Dr Bott Step 4

Step 5: Select What to Upload

Select Updates + New (minimal) and click Next.

  • Updates + New (minimal) - Most of the time you'll want to do a minimal update which does everything you want it to do (updates pricing info for existing items ONLY if the price has changed and inserts new items).
  • Master Updates and New - This option does everything the minimal update does plus it updates all the text fields with corrections fro Dr Bott. It's a good idea to do a master update at least a few times a year and perhaps as many times as once a month.
  • All - Never use this. If you do, you will corrupt your database and have to start over which means you also start over with the search engines with knew item numbers.

Step 6: Review and Upload

Click Next.

Dr Bott Step 6 Review

Dr Bott Step 6b Upload

All done uploading!!! But, you need to clean up the data using the online scripts.

Step 7: Online Scripts

Click the online scripts link to go to the website. Following the instructions on that page.


  • Do not bother removing items from a category as the upload wizard will simply put it back when it's run. Instead, spend time moving categories to a more appropriate category and renaming categories to more appropriate names. If a category is not usefull to you, then hide it.
  • Run this upload wizard once or twice a month then use the online tools to manipulate pricing.

More Info

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KB Post Contributed By Mike Prestwood:

Mike Prestwood is a drummer, an author, and creator of the PrestwoodBoards online community. He is the President & CEO of Prestwood IT Solutions. Prestwood IT provides Coding, Website, and Computer Tech services. Mike has authored 6 computer books and over 1,200 articles. As a drummer, he maintains and has authored 3 drum books. If you have a project you wish to discuss with Mike, you can send him a private message through his PrestwoodBoards home page or call him 9AM to 4PM PST at 916-726-5675 x205.

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Since 7/18/2008
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