Take Away: ObjectPAL example where user selects a file and you extract the path.
With the FileSystem commands, you can change your working directory, manipulate files on a disk, get the time and date from a file, and so on.
Suppose that you want to add a routine to a button that opens up the Paradox browser, browse for a file, select a file, and place its full path in a field. (This task is harder than it should be.)
Step By Step
1. Create a new form with a field and a button on it. Name the field fldFile and label the button Browse (see Figure 2).
3. Check the syntax, save the form as FINDPATH.FSL, and run it. Click the Browse button and choose a file. Try choosing files from the current working directory and from another directory using an alias.
In step 2, lines 3--6 declare an sFilename string variable to receive the name of the file in line 8 and an fbi FileBrowserInfo variable for use with fileBrowser(), also in line 8. Lines 15--23 determine the path of the file.