Posted 18 years ago on 3/9/2007 and updated 10/14/2009
Take Away:
PSDP Online Q&A
Questions and Answers
Q. What's the smallest project that PSDP can accommodate?
A. The smallest defined project size in PSDP is 40 hours (defined as Very Small). Although PSDP can accommodate projects smaller than 40 hours, Prestwood Software does NOT use PSDP for projects that are estimated at 40 or less hours.
Q. What's the largest project that PSDP can accommodate?
A. The largest defined project size in PSDP is one man year (defined as Very Large). PSDP is flexible and can accommodate projects that are as large as several man years. Projects larger than that are really quests and should be broken into multiple smaller projects.
Q. Is PSDP used for support account tasks?
A. Generally not. However, if we do a project using your support account with us and the project is larger than 40 hours and we're providing a project manager, then yes.