Every business domain requires its own unique table structures. During the process of gathering requirements you'll need to gather what data needs to be stored. The table structures here are simply to be used as reference.
Common Table Structures
The tables that follow list some common table structures. Use these suggested database structures when you're not inspired or when you need a hand. An asterisk after the field name indicates that the field is part of the primary key.
Field Type Legend
Money field type (you can substitute a float with 2 decimals)
Character field (The number after represents the field width)
Formatted large text field (supports RTF, the number following applies to Paradox and dBASE only)
Binary graphic field type (the number following applies to Paradox and dBASE only)
Large text field (the number following applies to Paradox and dBASE only)
Time Field type (no date in this type, you can substitute a DateTime field type or use a character field type)
Address book table.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
SS# (A11)*
Name (A30) **
Address (A30)
City (A15)
State/Province (A2)
Zip (A10)
Phone (A15)
Born (D)
Age (N)
Notes (M10)
Picture (G0)
Area code table.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
Area Code (A3)*
State (A2) **
Full State (A21)
Country (A30)
ATM transactions.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
Transaction Number (N)*
Date (D) **
Amount ($)
Transaction Type (A16)
Customer table.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
Customer No (N)*
Name (A30) **
Street (A30)
City (A15)
State/Prov (A20)
Zip/Postal Code (A10)
Country (A20)
Phone (A15)
First Contact (D)
Employee table.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
SSN (A11)*
Department (A30)
Position (A30)
Desk Phone (A15)
Manager SSN (A11) **
Start Date (D)
Shift Start Time (T)
Shift End Time (T)
Salary (per year) ($)
Notes (F)
Picture (G)
Expenses table.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
Expense No (+)*
Date (N) **
Type (A20)
Transaction Type (A20)
Transaction Number (N)
Comments (A20)
Cassette Label Template.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
Label Set (A15)*
Label Number (S)*
Header (one line) (A70) **
Songs (up to three lines) (A255)
Side (one character) (A1)
Band name (or tape name) (A60)
Note (one line) (A70)
Inside label (A50)
Loans table.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
Description (A20)*
Date of first Payment (D)
Loan Amount ($)
Interest Rate (N)
Term of Loan In Years (N)
Payments Per Year (N)
Total Payments (N)
Payment Amount ($)
Mail System table.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
Status (A1)*
Time (T)*
To (A20)* **
Date (D) **
From (A20)
Subject (A50)
Message (M10)
FileName (A30)
Second address book table.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
Last Name (A20)*
First Name (A15)*
Middle Initial (A1)*
Title (A30)
Company (A30) **
Address1 (A30)
Address2 (A30)
City (A15)
State (A3)
Zip (A10)
Phone Number (A15)
Work Number (A15)
Fax Number (A15)
Notes (F10)
Flexible phone number table for use with second address book.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
Last Name (A20)*
First Name (A15)*
Middle Name (A15)*
Phone # Name (A15)* **
Phone Number (A15)
Phone Ext (A5)
Line items of an invoice.
Field Name (Type) Index(es)
Order No (N)*
Stock No (N)*
Selling Price ($)
Qty (N)
Line Total (M)
Line item look-up table (Orders detail look-up table).