The concept of a class makes it possible to define subclasses that share some or all of the main class characteristics. This is called inheritance. Inheritance also allows you to reuse code more efficiently. In a class tree, inheritance is used to design classes vertically. (You can use Interfaces to design classes horizontally within a class tree.) With inheritance, you are defining an "is-a" relationship (i.e. a chow is-a dog). Analysts using UML call this generalization where you generalize specific classes into general parent classes.
ASP Classic:
Not Supported
: ParentClass
In C#, you use the class keyword followed by the parent class after a colon. If you leave out the parent class, your class inherits from System.Object.
Syntax Example: In the following example, a terminator T-600 is-an android.
public class Android { } public class T-600 : Android { }
: public ParentClass
In C++ you use the class keyword to signify a class and a colon followed by the parent class name for inheritance.
Syntax Example: In the following example, a terminator T-600 is-an android.
class Android { }; class T-600: Public Android { };
Corel Paradox:
Not Supported
ObjectPAL does not support class creation nor sub-classing (inheritance).
In Delphi, you use the class keyword followed by the parent class in parens. If you leave out the parent class, your class inherits from TObject.
Syntax Example: In the following example, a terminator T-600 is-an android.
TAndroid = class end; T-600 = class(TAndroid) end;
Delphi Prism:
In Prism, like Delphi, you use the class keyword followed by the parent class in parens. If you leave out the parent class, your class inherits from System.Object.
Syntax Example: In the following example, a terminator T-600 is-an android.
Android = public class end; T-600 = public class(Android) end;
extends ParentClass
Simple syntax example of class inheritance.
Syntax Example: In the following example, a terminator T-600 is-an android.
public class Android { } public class T-600 extends Android { }
No, but sort of.
JavaScript does not offer a formal inheritance machanism. There are some tricks some developers are fond of.
VB Classic:
No, but see Implements.
VB classic supports only a single "level" of interface inheritance (abstract class to implimentation class). See Implements in VB's help.
Inherits ParentClass
VB.Net uses the Inherits keyword followed by the parent class name. If you do not include Inherits , your class inherits from System.Object .
Syntax Example: In the following example, a terminator T-600 is-an android.
Public Class Android End Class Public Class T-600 Inherits Android End Class