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Custom Routines

Languages Focus

For non-OOP languages, a custom routine is a function, procedure, or subroutine and for pure OOP languages, a custom routine is a class method. Hybrid languages (both non-OOP and OOP) combine both.

PHP:  "Custom Function" function

PHP uses functions and loosely typed parameters. Function definitions can come before or after their usage so my preference when mixing PHP in with a mostly HTML page is to put the functions after the </html> tag.

Syntax Example:
function sayHello($pName) {
 echo "Hello " . $pName . "<br>";
function add($p1, $p2) {
 return $p1 + $p2;

Cross Reference Examples:

Access VBA:   Sub, Function

Access VBA is a non-OOP language with some OOP features. It offers both Subs and Functions. A Sub does not return a value while a Function does. When Subs and Functions are used in a class module, they become the methods of the class.

Syntax Example:
Sub SayHello(ByVal pName As String)
  MsgBox ("Hello " & pName)
End Sub
Function Add(pN1 As Integer, pN2 As Integer) As Integer
  Add = pN1 + pN2
End Function
ASP Classic:   Sub, Function

ASP Classic is a non-OOP language with some OOP features. It offers both Subs and Functions. A Sub does not return a value while a Function does. When Subs and Functions are used in a defined class, they become the methods of the class.

Syntax Example:
Sub SayHello(ByVal pName)
  Response.Write "Hello " + pName + "!<br>"
End Sub
Function Add(ByRef pN1, ByRef pN2)
  Add = pN1 + pN2
End Function

C# requires () in both the function declaration, and when it's invoked. Leave off the parens to signify a property.

ReturnType RoutineName()
Syntax Example:
void SayHello(String pName)
MessageBox.Show("Hello " + pName);
int Add(int a, int b) 
return a + b;

C++ is a hybrid language and as such offers global functions and class methods. A function must come before it's usage or you can prototype the function.

Syntax Example:
void sayHello(string pName) {
cout << "Hello " + pName + "\n";
int add(int p1, int p2) {
int result;
  result = p1 + p2;
return result;
Corel Paradox:   method, procedure

ObjectPAL is a non-OOP language (an object-based language) that offers custom methods and custom procedures. When you create a custom method, you associate it with an existing object like a button, form, or library.

When calling a custom method or procedure that has a by reference parameter (uses var), then you cannot use a literal value. this is different than in many other languages which do allow you to pass literals by reference.

Syntax Example:
method sayHello(var pName String)
 msgInfo("", "Hello " + pName)

method add(p1 Number, p2 Number) Number
 Return p1 + p2
Delphi:   procedure, function

Delphi is a hybrid language so you can create either class methods (functions and procedures) or you can create global functions and procedures. When a function or procedure is part of a class, it is a class method.

[function/procedure] RoutineName : ReturnType;

As with C++, your custom routine must come before it's first usage or you have to prototype it in the Interface section.

Note: Contrast Delphi with Delphi Prism which is an OOP language (everything is within a class). Both Delphi and Delphi Prism are based on Object Pascal but implement OOP features differently and have some syntax differences too.

Syntax Example:
procedure SayHello(pName: String);
  ShowMessage('Hello ' + pName);
function Add(p1, p2 : Double): Double;
  Result := p1 + p2;
Delphi Prism:   method, procedure, function

In Prism, everything is within a class (just like with C#, VB.Net, and Java). So you create class methods using the method keyword. Alternatively, you can use procedure or function if you want the compiler to enforce returning or not returning a value.

[function/procedure] RoutineName : ReturnType; 

As with C++, your custom routine must come before it's first usage or you have to prototype it in the Interface section.

Syntax Example:
method Form1.IntroduceYourself;
  MessageBox.Show("Hello, I do not have a name yet.");

procedure Form1.SayHello(pName: String);
  MessageBox.Show("Hello " + pName);
function Form1.Add(p1, p2 : Double): Double;
  Result := p1 + p2;

Because java is an OOP language, all custom routines belong to a specific class and are therefore referred to as methods.

All methods in Java must return something so even with procedures, you return a "void".

Syntax Example:
public void sayHello(String pName) {
  System.out.println("Hello" + pName);

public int add(int p1, int p2) {
  return p1 + p2;
JavaScript:   function

JavaScript uses functions and loosely typed parameters. Function definitions must come before their usage so the usual preference when adding JavaScript to HTML pages is to include them between the head tags.

Syntax Example:
function SayHello(pName) {
 document.write("Hello " + pName + "<br>");
function add(p1, p2) {
 var result;
 result = p1 + p2;
 return result;
Perl:   sub

Perl uses subs and parameters are referenced in a special array. All arguments passed to a subroutine are stored in a special @_ array. To retrieve the arguments, you have to look inside the array and extract them.

Syntax Example:
sub sayHello {
 my ($pName) = $_[0];
 print("Hello $pName!");
sub add {
 my ($p1) = $_[0];
 my ($p2) = $_[1];
 return $p1 + $p2;
VB Classic:   Sub, Function

VB Classic is a non-OOP language with some OOP features. It offers both Subs and Functions. A Sub does not return a value while a Function does. When Subs and Functions are used in a class module, they become the methods of the class.

Syntax Example:
Sub DoSomething(ByVal pMessage As String)
  MsgBox (pMessage)
End Sub
Function GetAge(ByRef pFullname As String) As Integer
  GetAge = 7
End Function
VB.Net:   Sub, Function

VB.Net is a fully OOP language so both Subs and Functions are methods of a class. A Sub does not return a value while a Function does.

Syntax Example:  
Private Sub DoSomething(ByVal pMsg As String)
'...some code.
End Sub

Private Function GetAge(ByVal x As String) As Integer
GetAge = 7
End Function

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