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Cross Ref > Operators

By Mike Prestwood

Perl versus JavaScript: A side by side comparison between Perl and JavaScript.


A language symbol used for assignment, comparison, computational, or as a logical.


[Other Languages] 

Languages Focus

Common assignment operators for languages include =, ==, and :=. An assignment operator allows you to assign a value to a variable. The value can be a literal value like "Mike" or 42 or the value stored in another variable or returned by a function.

Perl:   =

Perl assignment operators:

= Assignment $x = 8;
+= Addition $x += 8;
-= Substraction $x -= 8;
*= Muliplication $x *= 8;
/= Division $x /= 8;
%= Modulus $x %= 8;
**= Exponent $x **= 8;

Syntax Example:
$FullName = "Randy Spitz";
$Age = 38;
JavaScript:   =

JavaScript uses = for it's assignment operator.

Syntax Example:
//Regular assignment.
LastName = 'Spitz';
//Variable declaration with assignment.
var FullName = 'Randy Spitz';
var Age = 38;

Comparison Operators

[Other Languages] 

General Info: Round Floating Point Numbers

When comparing floating point numbers, make sure you round to an acceptable level of rounding for the type of application you are using.

Languages Focus

A comparison operator compares two values either literals as in "Hello" and 3 or variables as in X and Counter. Most languages use the same operators for comparing both numbers and strings. Perl, for example, uses separate sets of comparison operators for numbers and strings.

Perl:   ==, !=

Common comparison operators:

== equal
!= not equal
< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal
>= greater than or equal

Perl also offers additional string comparison operators:

eq string equals
ne string not equal
lt string less than
gt string greater than
le string less than or equal
ge string greater than or equal

Syntax Example:
#Does Perl evaluate the math correctly? No!
if ((.1 + .1 + .1) == .3) {
} else {
print("Not correct<br>");
JavaScript:   ==, !=

Common comparison operators:

== equal
!= not equal
< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal
>= greater than or equal

Syntax Example:
//Does JavaScript evaluate the math correctly? No!
if (.1 + .1 + .1 == .3) {
else {
document.write("not correct");

Logical Operators

[Other Languages] 

Languages Focus

Logical operators perform conditional and, or, and not operations. Some languages support both binary logical operators that link two and unary logical operators negate (make opposite) the truth value of its argument. Finally, some languages short circuit logic. For example, with this or that, if this is an expression returning true, then that is never executed.


Perl logical operators:

&& or and and, as in this and that
|| or or or, as in this or that
! Not, as in Not This

Syntax Example:
#Given expressions a, b, c, and d:
if !((a && b) && (c || d)) {
  #Do something.

JavaScript logical operators:

&& and, as in this and that
|| or, as in this or that
! Not, as in Not This

JavaScript always short circuits. Given the expression this || that, if this evaluates to true, then that is never executed.

Syntax Example:
//Given expressions a, b, c, and d:
if !((a && b) && (c || d)) {
  //Do something.

String Concatenation

[Other Languages] 
Perl:  "String Concatenation" .

Perl uses a period (.) known as a dot to concatenate strings.

Syntax Example:
$fname = "Mike";
$lname = "Prestwood";

$fullname = $fname . $lname . "

print "My name is " . "Mike.
JavaScript:  "String Concatenation" +

To concatenate two strings, a string to an integer, or a string to a floating point number, use the + operator. JavaScript performs implicit casting when concatenating a string and a number. For example, to convert a floating point number to a string just concatenate an empty string to the number as in "" + 3.2.

Syntax Example:
// -->

Unary Operators

[Other Languages] 

General Info: Unary Operator

An operation with only one operand (a single input). Common unary operators include + plus, - minus, and bitwise not. Some operators can function as both unary and binary operators. For example, + and - operators can serve as either.

Languages Focus

What unary operators are supported in additoin to the standard plus, minus, and bitwise not.


An operation with only one operand (a single input). The following are the Perl unary operators: !, -, ~, +, \, &, and *.

  • ! performs logical negation which is "not"
  • - performs arithmetic negation if the operand is numeric.
  • ~ performs bitwise negation, that is 1's complement.
  • + has no semantic effect whatsoever, even on strings.
  • \ creates a reference to whatsoever follows.
  • & Address of operator.
  • * Dereference address operator.

An operation with only one operand (a single input). JavaScript unary operators include ++ and --. They can be used either before or after a variable as in: a++, b--, and ++a, and --b.


Syntax Example:
var iCounter=0;
for (iCounter=0;iCounter<=5;iCounter++)
document.write("Count is " + iCounter + "<br>");

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