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Cross Ref > Statements

By Mike Prestwood

ASP Classic versus Delphi Prism: A side by side comparison between ASP Classic and Delphi Prism.


Common statements such as if statements, loops, etc.

Exception Trapping

[Other Languages] 

Languages Focus

A common usage of exception handling is to obtain and use resources in a "try-it" block, deal with any exceptions in an "exceptions" block, and release the resources in some kind of "final" block which executes whether or not any exceptions are trapped.

ASP Classic:   On Error
Syntax Example:
On Error Resume Next
Response.Write FormatDateTime(f_CurrentActualDate, vbShortDate)
  If ErrNumber <> 0 Then
End If
On Error Goto 0
Delphi Prism:   try..except, try..finally

Use a try..except..end block to trap and process errors.

Delphi also offers a try...finally where code will execute in the finally section no matter what. It's common to put a try..except inside a try..finally.

Syntax Example:
  var y: Integer;
  y := 0;
  y := 1/y;
  MessageBox.Show("You cannot divide by zero.");

If Statement

[Other Languages] 
ASP Classic:   If..ElseIf..Else..End If

The End If is optional if you put your code on a single line.

Syntax Example:
//Single line example.
If X = True Then Response.Write "hello" 
//Complete example.
If X = True Then
  '>>>do something.
ElseIf Y = "ABC" Then
  '>>>do something.
  '>>>do something.
End If
Delphi Prism:   if..else if..else

Notice in the more complete example that the semicolon for the begin..end block after end is not included. That tells the compiler something else is coming (the statement is not finished). Also note the semicolon is missing right before the final "else" statement.

Syntax Example:
//Complete example:
if x = true then begin
  ShowMessage('x is true');
Else If y = 'Mike' Then 
  ShowMessage('hello mike')
  ShowMessage('last option');

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