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Code Blocks (C# and JavaScript Cross Reference Guide)

By Mike Prestwood

C# versus JavaScript: A side by side comparison between C# and JavaScript.

Language Basics

Language basics is kind of a catch all for absolute beginner stuff. The items (common names) I chose for language basics is a bit random and include items like case sensitivity, commenting, declaring variables, etc.

Code Blocks

[Other Languages] 

Languages Focus

The rules for code blocks within a language dictate where you can declare variables, how you "bracket" code, etc.

C#:   { }

C# uses braces {} to indicate a code block of more than one line. For one line of code, the braces are optional.

I prefer to put the opening { and the closing } on their own line only because most of the examples I see do this. As opposed to C++, Java, and JavaScript where I put the opening bracket at the end of the first line (which I actually prefer).

Syntax Example:
int DoSomething()
 int a = 1;
 int b = 2;
 return a + b;
JavaScript:   { }

In html pages, you embed JavaScript code between <script> and </script> (see example). Also it's tradtional to put an HTML comment around your code too so that really old browsers don't crash (probably not all that important these days).

For JavaScript, Java, PHP, and C++, I prefer to put the first { at the end of the first line of the code block as in the example above because I see moreJavaScript codeformatted that way.

Syntax Example:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function DisplayDialogLg(StrURL) {
if (x == -1) {

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