C# projects require the .Net framework and any additional dependencies you've added such as Crystal Reports.
In Visual Studio.Net, you can create a Setup and Deployment project by using any of the templates available on the New Project dialog (Other Project Types).
In addition, C# projects also support ClickOnce which brings the ease of Web deployment to Windows Forms and console applications. To get started, right click on your solution in the Solution Explorer, click Properties then select the Security tab.
In addition, you can use any of the many free and commercially available installation packages.
You can deploy your Microsoft Access application either with the full version of Access or with the Access Runtime (see Deploying Applications Using the Access Runtime).
With ASP Classic, you simply copy your files to a web server that is capable of running ASP pages. This includes your .ASP pages along with supporting files such as images, include files, and database files.
Optionally, you can also deploy a global.asa file which is used to code certain events like application start, application end, session start, and session end.
You can use any of the many free and commercially available installation packages.
C++Builder 2007 and 2009 are bundled with InstallAware Express CodeGear Edition installer.
C++/CLI projects require the .Net framework and any additional dependencies you've added such as Crystal Reports.
To create a ClickOnce deploy package, search the internet for mage.exe and mageui.exe.
To deploy a Paradox application, you need to deploy either the full version of Paradox or the Paradox Runtime both of which will include the BDE as well as any dependecies you've added such as psSendMail DLL, ezDialogs, etc.
Delphi creates native code Windows applications so you can create an EXE with no dependencies that will run on any Windows computer. If you add dependencies (reports, database libraries, DLLs, etc.) use a Windows installer to build an installation program.
D2007 and D2009 are bundled with InstallAware Express CodeGear Edition installer.
Prism projects require the .Net framework and any additional dependencies you've added such as Crystal Reports.
Prism doesn't directly support ClickOnce. At least not yet. In other words, there isn't a Security tab on the solution properties dialog. To create a ClickOnce deploy package, search the internet for mage.exe and mageui.exe.
Java applets and applications both require the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and any additional dependencies you've added.
With Perl, you simply copy your files to a web server that is capable of running Perl pages.
With PHP, you simply copy your files to a web server that is capable of running PHP pages.
VB applications require the VB runtime DLL (for version 6, it's VB600.DLL) plus any additional dependencies you've added such as Crystal Reports, ActiveX controls, and DLLs.
VB.Net projects require the .Net framework and any additional dependencies you've added such as Crystal Reports.
In addition, VB.Net projects also support ClickOnce which brings the ease of Web deployment to Windows Forms and console applications. To get started, right click on your solution in the Solution Explorer, click Properties then select the Security tab.