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Constants (C++ and C++/CLI Cross Reference Guide)

By Mike Prestwood

C++ versus C++/CLI: A side by side comparison between C++ and C++/CLI.

Language Basics

Language basics is kind of a catch all for absolute beginner stuff. The items (common names) I chose for language basics is a bit random and include items like case sensitivity, commenting, declaring variables, etc.


[Other Languages] 

General Info: Computer Language Constants

A constant is just like a variable (it holds a value) but, unlike a variable, you cannot change the value of a constant.

C++:   const

In standard C++, you use const and static const to declare constants.

Syntax Example:
//C++Builder 2009 Example:
const String kName = "Mike";
const int kAge = 35;
ShowMessage("Hi " + kName + ", you are " + kAge + ".");
C++/CLI:   const or literal

C++/CLI supports the const and static const keywords of standard C++ as well as the new literal keyword. A literal is equivalent to static const in standard C++ and Microsoft's documentation recommends to replace static const with the new literal keyword because a literal is available in metadata; a static const variable is not available in metadata to other compilers.

You can use static const within the class declaration or locally within a method. However, literal is only valid in the class declaration section and const is only valid within a method.

Syntax Example:  
//some method {
const String^ MyName = "John";
static const Int32 MyAge = 27;
// public class SomeClass : public Object {
  literal double Pi = 3.14159;
  literal String^ MyName = "Mike";
  static const Int32 MyAge = 35;

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