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Cross Ref > Language Details

By Mike Prestwood

C++ versus Access VBA: A side by side comparison between C++ and Access VBA.

Language Details

Language Details is kind of a catch all for stuff that didn't make it into language basics nor any other category.

Custom Routines

[Other Languages] 

Languages Focus

For non-OOP languages, a custom routine is a function, procedure, or subroutine and for pure OOP languages, a custom routine is a class method. Hybrid languages (both non-OOP and OOP) combine both.


C++ is a hybrid language and as such offers global functions and class methods. A function must come before it's usage or you can prototype the function.

Syntax Example:
void sayHello(string pName) {
cout << "Hello " + pName + "\n";
int add(int p1, int p2) {
int result;
  result = p1 + p2;
return result;
Access VBA:   Sub, Function

Access VBA is a non-OOP language with some OOP features. It offers both Subs and Functions. A Sub does not return a value while a Function does. When Subs and Functions are used in a class module, they become the methods of the class.

Syntax Example:
Sub SayHello(ByVal pName As String)
  MsgBox ("Hello " & pName)
End Sub
Function Add(pN1 As Integer, pN2 As Integer) As Integer
  Add = pN1 + pN2
End Function

Inline Code

[Other Languages] 

Languages Focus

Also known as embedded code where you embed another syntax language within the native code of the development environment you are using. The inline code can be compiled by the current development's compiler or by an external compiler.

Do not confuse with inlining which is a coding technique where custom routines are moved inline where the code is executed either by you, by a compiler directive, or automatically by the compiler.

[Not specified yet. Coming...]
Access VBA:   Not Supported


[Other Languages] 

General Info: Inline Routines

Instead of calling a routine, you move the code from the routine itself and expand it in place of the call. In addition to manual inlining, some languages support automatic inlining where the compiler or some other pre-compiler decides when to inline a code routine. Also, some languages allow for developer defined inlining where the developer can suggest and/or force the inlining of a code routine. Inlining can optimize your code for speed by saving a call and return, and parameter management.

Languages Focus

Does it support inlining? If so, does it support developer defined inlining? Does it support automatic inlining? Both?

C++:   inline

In both Visual C++ and C++Builder, use the inline (standard C++) or __inline (standard C and C++) keywords to suggest to the compiler to inline a routine.

Microsoft also offers __forceinline and _inline, Microsoft specific specifiers where __forceinline is a stronger suggestion but still does not always mean the routine will be inlined as well as _inline for backward compatibility.

Syntax Example:
inline int add(int p1, int p2) {
int result;
  result = p1 + p2;
return result;
Access VBA:   Not Supported


[Other Languages] 

Types of overloading include method overloading and operator overloading.

Method Overloading is where different functions with the same name are invoked based on the data types of the parameters passed or the number of parameters. Method overloading is a type of polymorphism and is also known as Parametric Polymorphism.

Operater Overloading allows an operator to behave differently based on the types of values used. For example, in some languages the + operator is used both to add numbers and to concatenate strings. Custom operator overloading is sometimes referred to as ad-hoc polymorphism.


C++ Overloading

  • Operator - Yes for C++, no for C. Almost all operators can be overloaded for user-defined types
  • Method -
Access VBA:   Not Supported

Some developers like to pass in an array and then handle the array for a pseudo technique but that's not really overloading.


[Other Languages] 
[Not specified yet. Coming...]
Access VBA:   ByRef, ByVal

By Reference or Value
For parameters, you can optionally specify ByVal or ByRef. ByRef is the default if you don't specify.

Syntax Example:  
Function SomeRoutine(ByRef pPerson, ByVal pName, Age)

Self Keyword

[Other Languages] 
C++:   this
Access VBA:   Me

Same as VB. The Me keyword is a built-in variable that refers to the class where the code is executing. For example, you can pass Me from one module to another.

Syntax Example:
Private Sub Command10_Click()
    MsgBox Me.Name 'Displays name of form (Form1 in this case).

End Sub

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