Cross Ref > Database
By Mike Prestwood
Corel Paradox versus C++: A side by side comparison between Corel Paradox and C++.
This category documents connecting and using data including database commands, and common technologies used.
Languages Focus This common syntax name documents editing a record as a whole: add/insert, edit, post data, and delete.
Corel Paradox:
insertRecord, postRecord, edit
In ObjectPAL, you use Cursor.InsertRecord to add a new record, Cursor.postRecord to post the record, and Cursor.deleteRecord() to delete it. To edit a record, you must put the cursor into edit mode, Cursor.Edit() . (A cursor applies to both a TCursor and UIObject.)
ObjectPAL gives you tremendous flexibility with editing data and includes many additional commands such as insertAfterRecord and isEdit . For dBASE tables, you can also use unDeleteRecord() to un-delete a record. See the ObjectPAL help for more commands.
Syntax Example:
The following code snippet adds a record to a given TCursor with FullName and Created fields:
tc.edit() tc.InsertRecord() tc.FullName = "Barack Obama" tc.Created = today() tc.postRecord
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Corel Paradox:
setRanger, setGenFilter
In ObjectPAL, you can filter set a TCursor, UIObject, and Table objects using setRange() and setGenFilter() .
Syntax Example:
The following example loads, filters, and runs a report.
var r Report dyn DynArray[] String endVar dyn["Name"] = "SCUBA Heaven" Customer.setGenFilter(dyn) r.load(":Sample:customer") r.Customer.setGenFilter(dyn)
You can also drop a flter with:
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Languages Focus Finding a record is about moving a cursor to a specific record within a set of records (documented here). In addition to finding a record, you can sort, filter, and loop a set of records (documented in their topics).
Corel Paradox:
locate, qLocate
ObjectPAL provides a rich set of commands for finding a record with a TCursor or UIObject including:
locate() - Seach for a value based on a criteria. Uses indexes as appropriate.
locatePattern() - Search for a pattern within a value.
moveToRecord() - Moves to a specific record number.
qLocate() - Search using currently set index.
Each of these basic find record commands has supporting commands such as locateNext() and recNo() .
Syntax Example:
var tc TCursor endVar"Customer.db") if tc.locate("Name", "Proffessional Divers, Ltd.") then tc.edit() tc.Name = "Professional Divers, Ltd." msgInfo("Success", "Corrected spelling error.") endIf tc.endEdit()
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Languages Focus Top, bottom, next, and previous.
Corel Paradox:
home, end, nextRecord
ObjectPAL uses home() , end() , nextRecord() , priorRecord() to move a database cursor (works with either a TCursor or UIObject).
These commands send a message to the object. Specifically, they send an action constant using the action command. The above snippet is equivalent to:
It is handy to with familiar with action constants because not all action constants have an ObjectPAL equivalent comment.
Syntax Example:
The following snippet uses the active keyword to move to the second to last record of the table attached to the UIObject that currently has focus:
active.end() active.priorRecord()
You can also use the self keyword to refer to the UIObject your code is attached to.
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Corel Paradox:
switchIndex, sortTo, setGenFilter
In Paradox, you add an index for each sort your wish to perform on a table then use switchIndex() . Alternatively, you can use sortTo() to sort a table into a new table.
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