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AmericanIT KB: Foreign Worker Visas: H-1B, L-1 Topic

Politics and impact of nonimmigrant visas on U.S. workers

11 Articles Found in the Foreign Worker Visas: H-1B, L-1 Topic 

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Kim Berry
1. Does the U.S. still need H-1B programmers? With the current over abundance of native workers, it might be time to cut back or even abolish H-1B visas.
22 years ago, and updated 17 years ago
(5 Comments , last by James.T4 )

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Kim Berry
2. DOL fails to protect U.S. workers The DOL does not require employers to first attempt to fill positions with U.S. workers prior to hiring nonimmigrants.
22 years ago, and updated 6 years ago
(5 Entries , last by Pervez.J )

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Mike Prestwood
3. Employers Pay for H-1B

Do employers have to pay to hire an H-1B worker?

16 years ago
(1 Comments , last by Pervez.J )

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Mike Prestwood
4. H-1B The H-1B is a non-immigrant visa category in the United States under the Immigration & Nationality Act, section 101(a)(15)(H). It allows U.S. employers to seek temporary help from skilled foreigners.
18 years ago, and updated 17 years ago
(1 Comments , last by Pervez.J )

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Mike Prestwood
5. H-1B Specialized Skill

Do H-1B workers have to have a specialized skill?

16 years ago
(2 Comments , last by Pervez.J )

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Kim Berry
6. H-1B visa displaces 500,000 U.S. tech workers The H-1b and L-1 worker visa programs are flooding the U.S. job market and displacing hundreds of thousands of U.S. workers.
22 years ago, and updated 6 years ago
(17 Entries , last by Pervez.J )

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Kim Berry
7. Immigration attorneys explain how to displace American workers - legally of course This video explains why at least 100,000 Sunday classified ads each year are bogus, and applicants don't have a chance of getting hired.
18 years ago, and updated 18 years ago
(1 Comments , last by Pervez.J )

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Mike Prestwood
8. Non-Immigrant Visa (NIV) A type of visa usually used for tourist, business, student, or specialty worker. It is valid for the purpose of visiting, studying, or working a specialty job. Under U.S. law, a non-immigrant is a visitor traveling to the U.S. that does NOT intend to stay permentantly.
17 years ago

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Kim Berry
9. Programmers Guild now on Facebook

The Programmers Guild has launched a Facebook page to keep members and fans current with news stories and legislation that impacts our careers. Become a "Fan" today!

16 years ago, and updated 15 years ago
(3 Comments , last by william.J3 )

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Mike Prestwood
10. Specialty Occupation Requires the theoretical and practical application of a body of specialized knowledge and a bachelor's degree or the equivalent in the specific specialty (e.g., sciences, medicine and health care, education, biotechnology, and business specialties, etc). Current laws limit the number of foreign workers who may be issued a visa or otherwise be provided H-1B status to 65,000.
17 years ago

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Kim Berry
11. Will Sep 29 'Black Monday' stem the call for more H-1b programmers? On Sep 29 stocks overall dropped by 10%. Some, like Apple, dropped by close to 20%. ComputerWorld asked how the current financial crisis might sway Congress on the H-1b issue.
17 years ago

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